Anyone here been to Valparaiso, Chile?
I'm looking at options for a short side-trip from Santiago, Chile, on the way back from a visit to Easter Island. Our trip is in November 2025 (so Spring in the southern hemisphere). We are doing Easter Island first then we have just a short time (2-3 days) for one location on the mainland before flyinghome. Our international flights go through Santiago (of course) so it would be less complicated if we just based ourselves there for a few days, but I've been toying with a short side-trip to a coastal location.
Valparaiso (and nearby Viña del Mar) have always looked intriguing, and I'm very tempted. But now as I drill down into planning details, I'm seeing a lot of, lets just say "mixed" reports of things in Valparaiso - while extremely scenic, with plenty of charms and lots of "faded glory" (which I love), it also appears pretty grungy and in places pretty run-down. Looking for a good neighborhood for a couple nights, I'm seeing lots of "crime is completely out of control!", "it's unsafe!" and urgent warnings to "just stay away!" I know that many places get a bad rep because they're not sanitized and spiffed up for tourists (Naples or Palermo, for example), and some folks are completely put off by that. I actually like going places that have some rough edges - but I have my limits...for example, I loved Bogota and Medellin in Colombia, both places where I saw some of the same "don't go there, you'll be mugged!" warnings (I did go and I wasn't mugged...I was careful and liked the vibe).
Valparaiso looks quite interesting but I'm somewhat wary that it could be a bit "too interesting".
Have you been there? Any insights/opinions as to the risk level there these days? Thanks.