I've read more recently that Uruguay is attracting more U.S. travelers.
Can anyone comment on how it compares to Europe/UK re: cost, safety, overall experience?
And - we live outside of Philadelphia and U.S. flights are @ $1,000 - am I missing something?
It looks like a beautiful country and an intriguing place to visit.
The State Dept has a Level 2 alert to exercise increased caution because of crime……just fyi. Of course, Italy has that level, too.
Thank you. Its confusing - the U.S. has its alert but the country is often noted as being safe/stable.
The way I think about it is, What would the alert for the US say? I am fairly risk averse but don't see any reason to avoid Uruguay. I would do adequate digging if I were planning driving around the countryside, that kind of thing. I was all kinds of freaked out about visiting Brazil, then I had a marvelous time!
I was there back in 2012 so this information may not be current, but in my opinion it was one of the safest places I have ever travelled. People were extremely friendly and laid back, the scenery was beautiful, and wonderful food and wine. I would say go for it if it interests you!
Thank you - your confirmation of what we've read is encouraging. Did you stay in Montevideo - and travel elsewhere?
We visited Uruguay while on a cruise around the Horn of SA in 2014. It is more European in nature than Peru and Colombia.
I believe it is relatively save, just watch out for pickpockets.
Don't miss Colonia de Sacramento, Montevideo and Punta del Este.
We were starting our trip from Argentina- we got the ferry to Colonia del Sacramento, spent a night there, then a day in Montevideo and onwards to Punta del Este. All very easy to do on public transport (buses). What will always stick out the most in my memory is how relaxed everyone was- definitely a nice pace for a holiday. If you go to Punta del Este definitely check out Casa Pueblo, a very cool and unique artist home.