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Tour of U.S. East Coast historic sites

Need recommendation for your group that does a Rick Steves quality tour of U.S. East Coast historic sites. Looking for Fall timeline.

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15195 posts

Age range? If you are older you might find something with Road Scholar at I have done a number of their programs both US and International and find their guides/leaders are usually quality. Road Scholar contracts with different organizations to provide their programs. They do have a similar model to Rick's in that they are educationally focused and are very clear about what they include.

Whatever you do, do your due diligence on your tour company. (Wow, does that have enough do's in it?? lol) On Trip Advisor I see many complaints about tours provided thru TAKE Tours and Tours4Fun which are budget tours that move extremely quickly, cover lots of territory and are made up mostly of Asian tourists. The complaints I see posted are that the tours are usually conducted in Chinese even if it says multilingual plus hidden costs such as required daily tips to the guide and driver.

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2718 posts

My mom does Road Scholar and likes them. Are you totally against doing it on your own? What cities were you focused on? I've planned out a 12 day DC>Philadelphia>Boston that was pretty easy to plan out and we did it all by train and then just planned our sites for each day. Any thoughts on going it alone?

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38 posts

Don't know too much about tours but I can tell you that the Northeast in the Fall is an absolutely beautiful time to visit. There is no place like the Northeast to view the beautiful colors of the fall when the trees are in their full glory of reds, oranges, yellow, purples! Vermont is spectacular in the mountains, Maine along the water, or New Hampshire in the mountains are incredible as well.