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Thailand Guide Book Suggestions

Big fan of Rick Steves' guide books that I have purchased in the past and was bummed out to see that there isn't one for Thailand. I have been looking on Amazon, but all of my search results are showing guides with either so-so reviews or came out in 2016. I was wondering if the community had any insider tips on better and more recently updated books to look into. My family is going early next month for about 2 weeks (Chang Mai, Bangkok and Phuket) and are looking for fun/most important things to see. Any help is appreciated!

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2 posts

That's what I see most people respond with to these type of posts...but some of the more recent Amazon reviews are leading me to look for something it was published in 2016.

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1554 posts

We went January 2017 and used Lonely Planet with no problems. Our copy was published 2015.

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11294 posts

I was there in 1993, so who knows if it is good now, but the Moon Handbook guide to Bangkok was very helpful. I particularly liked that it grouped together sights into logical days, so I wasn't zig-zagging across this huge city (before they had the Skytrain).

Take at look and see if the Moon Handbook Thailand gets good reviews.

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3262 posts

Check out Nancy Chandler’s Guides for Chiang Mai and Bangkok. You can buy them on Amazon!

They are great maps loaded with tips and suggestions!