Does anyone have insight into the ideal vendor to work with when booking a Rocky Mountaineer train excursion?
Why not the Rocky Mountaineer website? https://www.rockymountaineer.com/
You could also look at Via Rail, which is probably cheaper but not as luxurious.
I agree with Allan on booking directly with the company and will ask what vendors other than the official one have you been looking at?
I'd recommend NOT booking with Vacations by Rail which is a travel agency. The Train Travel forum on Trip Advisor is littered with tales of woe from people who have booked with them.
We looked at doing the Canadian Rockies with the Rocky Mountaineer, but after comparing the prices against a bus tour of the same length, we picked Key West Tours Bus tour that was 1/3 the cost of the rail trip and covered more places.
We did a tour with Road Scholar that began in Calgary, had 4 nights in Banff, then 3 in Jasper (before the fires last year) and then a two-day trip on the Rocky Mountaineer ending in Vancouver. The train ride was wonderful! And since we weren't familiar with that part of Canada, the part before the train was good for us. I don't think that the train fare was marked up much, it is an expensive ride but one that we though was very worth it.