We want to be respectful about tipping on our trip and cannot find straight answers about it - we're told to tip what we think is correct. But what is correct? When should we tip? Who should we tip? What amount should we tip? We have a private guide in Egypt who will be with us on a trip to Luxor all day. How much should he be tipped? We have another guide who will be with us for 6 hours (not the 14 that the Luxor guide will be). How much should we tip? Do we tip the hotel in Petra for arranging a tour of Petra for us? How much should we tip at restaurants? Do we tip the hotel desk in Israel who will be helping us with bus routes and the like? How much do we tip a taxi driver?
As you can tell, we are confused about tipping. If we have good service, how much is the tip? And we don't want to insult someone by offering a tip, when that isn't correct, nor do we want to under or over tip.
Thanks so much for any guidance. We have researched this to no avail. Also, we've been told that US dollars (except in Israel) rule the day. So we place to tip in USdollars in Egypt and Jordan.
Thanks again!