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My dream trip has changed......

A few months ago I was eagerly anticipating traveling on three great trips in 2020. I've accepted that at least two, possibly three of these trips won't happen.

I realized today that after 5 weeks of stay at home, I have a new dream trip. What I'd really like to be able to do is drive the 90 minutes to see my grandchildren! Interesting how perspective changes. :)

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2063 posts

My dream trip is simply to see my parents again in person. And go out for a happy hour drink.

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2176 posts

My dream trip is to (someday, hopefully within a year, but hopefully no longer than 2) to go to a pharmacist or doctor to get the Covid-19 vaccine (once it is developed and available)...............then, I can dream of traveling to somewhere other than my once-per-week trip to the grocery store at 6:30am with the mask, hat, gloves, and pants with multiple zipped pockets (to avoid lugging/sanitizing a purse).

.............once THAT dream trip takes place, oh then the "places we will go"....... to sort of borrow/paraphrase a Dr. Seuss phrase.

Everyone stay safe!!

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7054 posts

My dream trip is a 10-minute walk to my local voting booth on November 3rd. And I'm happy to know that it will go forward (unless something totally unexpected happens).

Posted by
10425 posts

Excellent point, Carol.

Usually one of my most un-favorite ways to use some of my leave balance is to go down to my in-laws’ in Turin, Italy.

What I wouldn’t give right now for my husband and I to be able to hop on that train make that six-hour trip and go be there for his mother as his father lies in his nursing home, himself afflicted with the virus.

Posted by
4685 posts

Kim, I'm so sorry. Your situation puts ours into perspective. Please keep us posted on how they're doing. The concerns about the Paris strikes seem a long time ago now.

Right now, my dream trip would be to a beach in my own state. And there is the increasingly popular dream trip to a church service or a hair salon.

Posted by
1540 posts

Kim, I'm sorry.
Agnes, and all other USA voters, based on the images of the Wisconsin primary we here in Iowa are being reminded daily that we can vote by mail in June AND November

Posted by
3522 posts

My current dream trip is to simply go somewhere, anywhere, and not have to worry much about catching something that could kill me. No more mask, no hand sanitizer, no worries if I happen to physically bump into someone accidentally. I would be overjoyed just to go visit my mom who is 90 without thinking I might bring something into her house. Guess I am just getting stir crazy.

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6598 posts

Kim, please know that we're all thinking of you. How is your husband doing? Is he over the virus himself? What a nightmare this all is.

Posted by
37 posts

I am so very thankful that my husband & I were able to make our 'once in a lifetime' trip to Europe/Scandinavia this past summer. Approaching our 70's, we enjoyed every moment of this 5 week adventure. We planned and saved for such a long time for this trip and I'm glad that we didn't wait another year to do it. While, we do miss not seeing our grandchildren at this time, we know that pleasure will be in our near future, where a trip to Europe may not!

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1026 posts

Hoping to go to Edmond, ok in July for my youngest son getting married..

Kim@paris.... been thinking about you. Hope your FIL recovers. I know your heart aches and wanting to see him

Kim- BA, OK

Posted by
8053 posts

Kim, I’m sorry to hear what you’re experiencing. And everyone else whose lives and travel dreams have been altered. In a lot of ways, just reaching the next day is a rewarding destination.

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11852 posts

While we’ll never lose hope — and plans — to go back to Europe ASAP, for now I’d like to see my son two hours away and cruise to the southern Oregon Coast for a few nights.

Kim in Paris, so sorry that the pandemic has hit your family. We have been spared that heartbreak and know we are lucky.

Posted by
32405 posts

Kim, I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL. Hopefully he's able to recover soon.

At this point, I'd be happy to be able to go anywhere! I had a couple of road trips planned for this spring but at this point those are on hold indefinitely. They may end up taking place in the fall. There's no way to predict when the "stay-at-home" orders will be lifted, and when hotels and restaurants will be operating with some semblance of normalcy again. Both of those facilities will be necessary for any road trips. I doubt that I'll be able to even consider travelling to Europe before 2021.

Posted by
15798 posts

In February, I was lucky enough to spend a long (4-night) weekend on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, relaxing, hiking in nature, visiting wineries (thank goodness I brought a supply home) before the country closed down. My dream trip is to repeat it . . . maybe by fall.

A more short-term dream trip is to visit any one of a number of good friends and play a game of Scrabble.

Posted by
3943 posts

I just wanna walk the trails at the local park with my dog (honestly - I've seen fewer people when I've walked the trails than I have walking in my own neighbourhood, but here I am ~shrug~).

And walk whatever way I like up and down the aisles at the grocery store. ;)

Posted by
3614 posts

I guess my reply will be a bit different. Because of the pandemic and the recent death of a friend, my travel dreams have gotten bigger.
When this is all over, I would like to travel longer ( than the 2 weeks we usually do) and see more of the countries in Europe that are on my list. In 2018, we did a month in Europe. I thought I would be ready to come home after that long, but I wasn’t! Also, still many places in USA I would like to see!

Posted by
53 posts

My dream trip right now is to be somewhere near the sea. I'm just looking through this list of things to do in Cancun that are anything but possible now. I want to take a dip, or read, take a nap and listen to the waves... but I'm also glad that we're safe.

Posted by
3373 posts

My dream trip is to be able to travel to the kitchen and pour myself a glass of wine. Oh wait... I'm on my way! Happiness!

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3943 posts

Ah - less than a week later - part of my current 'dream trip' is coming true - they've reopened the trails and parks yesterday, as long as everyone behaves. ;)

Posted by
8053 posts

And walk whatever way I like up and down the aisles at the grocery store. ;)

Nicole, one of our grocery stores has, helpfully, made the interior aisles one-way, to help keep traffic flowing in a comfortable pattern. It’s troubling when people are closing in from both directions, and you’re trapped mid-aisle, trying to get your item off the shelf, and others aren’t mindful of a 6-foot spacing. Our city has also specified that everyone going into a business wear a mask, at least through May. Most people are doing that, but some aren’t.

And a lot of people are ignoring the markings at the end of each aisle, with arrows indicating the direction of traffic for that aisle. “I didn’t see the sign” is the universal reply when it’s pointed out. I hope they don’t drive the way they shop. I contacted the store manager, who’s said they’ll now make occasional announcements in the supermarket to remind people of the one-way situation. There’s an attendant at the door, limiting the number of people on the store at a given time, and they’re also going to start advising entrants of the aisle policy. That will hopefully make a stressful activity a little less so.

I tried a bike ride 2 weekends ago, and people were stopping mid-trail, in a lot of places! The trail’s maybe 6 feet wide in many places, standing in the middle. A couple stopped on a bridge to kiss, while straddling their bikes - inconsiderate of others even in a non-pandemic time, but irresponsible now. So I went on a hike this last time on a different trail, without the crowd. The neighborhood is, like you mentioned, swarming with people in places - it’s tough finding space, and i’m crossing the street, or turning around, as others aren’t planning on keeping their distance.

But finding a place without a clustering gang is critical. I won’t be riding or walking on that first path again anytime in the foreseeable future. Too stressful, like some popular European places in High Season. So my local “Trip” dreams have definitely changed!

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15798 posts

Wray - I'm going to take your dream trip today, if it turns out well, I might make it a return destination.

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3373 posts

Chani, Haha Again, we are going to the same destination...but at different times!

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15798 posts

Wray, I'd consider extending my trip later if you'd start earlier. 7 pm to midnight here is noon to 5 EDT . . . .