Does anyone know a good tour company in Morocco?
I have a two week small group tour with OAT (Overseas Adventure Travel) planned for later this year. I have never traveled with them (I almost always travel independently, or with a good friend), but have read good reports about that company and their Morocco tour specifically, on this forum, and figured Morocco would be best explored with a small tour rather than on my own. I'll report back after my trip and encourage you to search for reports about OAT on this forum and elsewhere on the web.
If you look under Watch, Read, Listen (to the left of this forum) and click on Monday Night Travel, Rick has a session about his trip to Morocco. The guide and company he mentions is a bit expensive but would definitely give you a great trip.
I’m looking at putting together a trip in the near future.
We went on safari with OAT in southern Africa, and are going on an OAT trip to Vietnam in a month. They generally don’t charge an extra fee for single travelers, and many of their trips currently have a discounted price.
We went to Morocco (Marrakech and Fez) on our own, but booked a tour with Desert Majesty in the middle. I’d highly recommend them. It included staying overnight at a camp in the desert. We met another couple who’d contracted with a different company, and their driver was mostly taking them places to try to get them to buy things, but ours wasn’t pushing shopping on us. For the tour price, they were charging more if we paid by credit card, so we paid in cash.
Just a reminder that a poster is not supposed to advertise themselves on this Forum, which appears to be happening. Above post has by been reported for review (along with similar posts).
Gate 1 Travel is great and inexpensive.
We're usually independent travelers, but we've started branching out to non-European destinations using Gate 1. So far we've been to Vietnam and China with them and next year we're booked to go with them on their small group tour to Morocco. It includes an overnight in the desert, which I'm pretty excited about!