You already bought tickets, I assume you already did research on Morocco prior to booking...and now you're asking if it's safe? Isn't it a little late? I assume you knew it's an "Arabic" country, right? I have a friend and parents who have traveled there a few years back - both went on a tour and loved it. But being on a guided tour provides a safety "cocoon" of sorts because you're totally insulated from a lot of real life. Only you can determine whether you're comfortable with the trip. If it's a do-it-yourself trip, I would take time to prepare, research cultural practices (such as vendors), and know what to expect.
For what it's worth, a lot of people write to this forum because a family member is worried about their trip to the point that they're anxious about it and want to reconsider. People have written about France, Greece, and all sorts of places.