Hi All,
I am hoping that the Rick Steve's travel community might have some advice for me. My wife and I are helping to settle in Rochester, NY, an Afghan family of four. The father worked for years as a translator and driver for the US Government during the war there.
They came to the US via the following flight path on 1/26:
Kabul > Delhi (Kam Air)
New Delhi > Abu Dhabi (Jet Airways)
Abu Dhabi > NYC (JFK) (Etihad)
NYC > Rochester (Jet Blue)
We confirmed long ago that the four pieces of luggage were in India. It's been offered to send the luggage back to Kabul, which is of no help.
Which airline is actually obligated to take responsibility for this and to help them get their luggage? Here in Rochester, only Jet Blue has any personnel at our airport.
I am stepping into this very late in the game, and there are multiple email threads regarding this that would be entirely impractical to share, but just curious to know if anyone has anything of value to share that might help me as I begin my quest to help these folks.
Thank you,