What do you do to care for these when gone for two or more?
A few years ago I repotted my plants in Lechuza planters. They use a proprietary substrate and/or potting soil and have water reservoirs.I’ve left my plants for 3+ weeks at a time with no ill effects. A warning though is that they are expensive! It’s an investment. I use them for both my indoor and outdoor plants. Great for herbs.
For the ones I don't trust my hubby not to kill, my green-thumbed neighbor babysits.
My wife has used a commercial orchid grower's boarding service, but it wasn't very good.
Our daughter stops by occasionally to care for them.
If they have to stay in your home, begin with a larger container than your houseplants are inside. Fill the larger container with a few inches of water. Sit your houseplant container into the larger container, but you must keep the base of it above the water - may need to add some rocks or misc. if it’s touching the water. Then lift the houseplants back up. Thread some cloth cording into the base of the houseplant container and let the end of it dangle down into the water as you place the houseplant back down above the water level. On a larger scale, just fill the bathtub with a few inches of water and have pots of flowers with the cording prepared, suspended above the water line with misc. plastic blocks.
We saved a gorgeous fuchsia with the bathtub method.
On a similar note, we keep our outdoor flower pots on our patio healthy & watered if we’re both traveling. We have a sprinkler system with a timing control box. My husband has a drip line that he made for this need. He moves the flower pots into close proximity to the end of our shade garden, attaches this flower pot drip tube to the shade garden line, and secures the separate drip nozzles for each pot.
I hire a house checker and she waters the plants too.