My wife and I are booked on a Viking Nile River cruise. Some of their on-shore activities are described as being in rough and uneven terrain. Is it appropriate to bring our hiking poles with us to use on these outings? If so, will they be problematic when going into museums and such?
Do you have foldable hiking poles? Mine fold up and I just slip them inside my backpack if I am going into someplace. They would fit in a largish shoulder bag as well.
There are plenty of uneven surfaces, but the terrain overall is quite flat. Any climbing --- interiors of pyramids, the south tomb at Saqqara, the Nileometer in Cairo, and such -- will most likely be optional. Even if you choose to go inside the pyramids, I am not sure how useful hiking poles would be. Most of the interior passageways are quite steep, maybe a 45° angle, and you will be using your hands to hold on to the railings. (The interior of the Step Pyramid is totally flat.) Sturdy shoes are a must, but hiking poles are probably overkill. I never took hiking poles on my trips to Egypt, and I didn't miss them. (In Turkey, on the other hand, I was often glad to have a hiking pole with me.)
Not sure what the rules are about hiking poles in museums. I know that cameras are generally not allowed.
Thanks very much. This info is very helpful.