Help please! I'm looking for calendars of Highland games/gatherings for Australia and New Zealand, but I'm getting nowhere, except cross-eyed. I assumed there would be something similar to this: Perhaps these do not take place annually and/or in the same numbers as in Scotland (or the US)? Thanks.
I found this calendar for New Zealand, it includes all types of gatherings and events. And this one for Australia. I'm not sure exactly how comprehensive either of these lists is, but it's a start. Also, you can just google 'highland games in New Zealand' and look through the individual locations to see when they take place, the same for 'highland games in Australia'.
I did not hear about anything like that in Australia but when we were in New Zealand among others we visited Dunedin which is a town with a significant Scottish heritage. There was also performance of Scottish songs and dances for tourists. So Dunedin would be a town where I would address my inquires. Maybe a visitor center or tourist information center.
for australia, you could try the celtic organisations. I know they organise annual events.
hope this helps
Thank you all!