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Good Lesson for Earthquake Preparation

I live in California and earthquakes are a reality. The Coronavirus shows how unprepared Californians are for a large earthquake. Right now, we are able to go to stores, have water out of the tap, have electricity and are able to drive and get gas. We need to take stock on how our lives would change. Stores could be closed for weeks and may not be able to restock. Food could be in short supply and would we have natural gas to cook our food? Water might not be readily available for drinking. Electricity would probably be out for an extended time. Our houses may not be able to be occupied. And most importantly, our cell phones and the internet would be down. 😜

If you think we are inconvenienced now, just wait till we have a major earthquake. We need to be more prepared than we are now. Just a reminder, earthquakes happen outside of California.

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5601 posts

You're so right! I have a small earthquake kit in my car - including a pair of sturdy shoes, in case I'm running around in stupid shoes when something hits. Lots of canned goods that would be just yummy cold ;-/ And big containers of water - for non-drinking purposes. My Dad bought me a little hand-crank radio years ago. And I have battery-driven cellphone chargers - and lots of batteries. Those came in handy during the wildfire power outages.

Still, it never seems like it would be enough: I guess I better add a supply of toilet paper to the attic stock … once it's back in plentiful supply.

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3961 posts

Yosemite1, Thanks for bringing this up. I call this forward-thinking. I can envision this scenario as well as other possible natural disasters. This would be "a double whammy!" In light of the current crisis (evolving minute by minute) we need to continually think outside the box. I envision stricter social distancing, curfews, changes in domestic travel. The list goes on.

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9343 posts

Or we of a certain age can rely on the motto we learned in our Boy and Girl Scout prepared.

CA native so know all about earthquakes. Kit ( water, batteries, first aid kit, clothes, matches, flash light, rope,) along with a camping tent, sleeping bag has been in each of the various vehicles I’ve owned since 1965 when I got my driver’s license.

Now it includes an Anker power pack for the iPhone.

Has come in handy many times!

Whole new world at the moment. Be smart, stay safe!

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2829 posts

I think earthquakes (and tornadoes) present a slightly different challenge. They come with little to no advance notice (nothing beyond 2 min in case of earthquakes in the beast early-detection scenario), and they physically disrupt basic services.

The covid-19 creates self-imposed limitations, but by itself doesn't case (so far) problems with food and water supplies, for instance (panic-buying nothwithstanding).

Floridians are already trained for "hunkering down" due to Hurricanes. Earthquakes are far more violent and disruptive. Florida has the lowest geological risk for Earthquakes. Not bad to talk about self-reliance in general regardless of the "event." Self-reliance is very important. Don't expect the government to "come in" and rescue you. The government has a role. But, the people who do best are self-responsible. (Community/neighbors are a powerful resource.)

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1079 posts

A 5.7 earthquake stuck Salt Lake City today. This should be a wake up call that earthquakes will happen in areas where you might not expect one. Be prepare.

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9081 posts

Here in tornado country, we have this lesson every year. Starting in April or so, news media and local government start advising people on being prepared. Most people ignore the advice.