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Posted by
4405 posts

I think the key phrase in the article is 'could open the border."

A federal election is expected to be announced for this Fall and no politician is going to make any decisions either way on what is best for the country unless the opinion polls say so.

Posted by
7 posts

Uh oh, here they come! 😉 j/k we've missed you! Welcome back!!

Vancouver, BC

Posted by
11692 posts

And how many tests will be required to make a round trip ( land crossing)?

Posted by
3343 posts

"May" open .
Not "will" open or "can" enter.
Still a way to go yet.

Posted by
5312 posts

Interesting to me that I can find only one Canadian source reporting on this. I find the titles of the US articles somewhat misleading. There is a huge difference between could, may, or might, with will or can. With an election call looming, the PM is trying to get his ducks in a row. It might happen. Let's just leave it at that. And I will bet that negative covid tests will be required in addition to proof of full vaccination. At least I hope so.

Posted by
4405 posts

Another promising sign. The feds signed off on the Blue Jays returning to Toronto for July 30th. The polls must say Canadians want the border opening to happen.

Posted by
274 posts

As someone who lives in Upstate NY and is accustomed to making regular weekend trips to Montreal, Toronto, etc, I cannot wait to be able to visit Canada again!! However, first and foremost is safety of everyone on both sides of the border. We're patiently waiting but will be happy to return to your beautiful country as soon as possible!!

Posted by
32303 posts

The "official" announcement will probably be forthcoming within the next week or so, and that will have all the details about tests and so on. As others have mentioned, a federal election will probably be called in the early fall, and the government will want to make sure that opening the border doesn't result in another lockdown. Opening to fully vaccinated tourists is a somewhat "safe" move.

The preliminary information also indicates that borders will be open to other travellers from elsewhere in the world by about mid-September, and hopefully that means it will be easier for Canadians to travel also.