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5154 posts

If you input Egypt and Jordan into the search bar, you'll find previous threads. Filter for forum threads and dates within 2 years.

Posted by
7034 posts

Hi, judaline66!

It would be helpful to have more information before answering your question. For example:

  1. Are you planning to travel independently or with a tour?
  2. When approximately do you plan to travel?
  3. Are you traveling by yourself or with someone?
  4. What kind of "tips" are you looking for? Info on transportation? Lodging? Destinations? Sights? And again, you will get better info if you answer the questions above.
Posted by
1837 posts

Hi judaline66, and welcome to the forum. I see this is your first post.

It's really hard to get useful information with such a vague question. Mardee gave you some good tips on how to give information about you and your plans. Here are some additional suggestions:

  • Tell us what you are interested in. For example, history, art, architecture, nature, food, partying, religious sites, hiking, adventure, etc.
  • Look over some other posts on the forum to see what kinds of questions get useful responses.
  • Search the forum (as CJean suggests) for previous posts on your destinations.
  • Do some of your own research first, and then post questions to enhance what you have already learned on your own. We all on this forum are volunteer travel lovers. Many of us will just skip over posts that require us to do research you might do yourself.

I'm actually heading to Egypt and Jordan (and Israel and Palestine) in 3 days. When I get back, I'll be happy to try to answer any questions you have.
