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Egypt, huge changes in 37 years

My wife and I just returned from a great two week tour of Egypt. I had visited that country for a couple of days in 1983 and for a tour including a Nile cruise in 1985.

I noticed significant changes in that country over that period of time.

  1. The infrastructure has improved quite a lot. I don't remember there being any limited access highways (what we call interstates in the USA) in 1983 or 1985. The ride from the airport to Cairo center was a bit like being in a demo derby. Few intersections had street lights and whichever vehicle honked first had the right of way. I was an a taxi in 1983 and thought I was going to die a few times. Today, the highway from the airport to the city is limited access, a modern highway were traffic moves almost as normal as in Europe or the USA. Yes, there is still aggressive driving, but it is much better. Now, there is even a Ring Road around Cairo that despite the heavy traffic, does move safely.

  2. The airport (I was told it was built in the late 90s) is wonderful, clean and well maintained. In the 80s the airport was old, dirty and nothing to brag about.

  3. In the 80s, I was told that half of Egyptians lived on dirt floors. Not sure about that, but clearly, this doesn't appear to be the case today. Prosperity is more evident. Yes, poverty is apparent, but compared to the 80s, more Egyptians seem to be living much better.

  4. The tourist industry is even more significant that it was in the 80s. I remember that there were just a few Nile cruise boats to choose from, now there appear to be hundreds. Clearly, the tourist industry is huge for Egypt.

  5. On the down side, we were told that agriculture is not an important to the economy these days. I understand that Egypt imports food. In Ancient times, it fed Rome. Also, the current population is over 100,000,000. This is a lot of people for a country where only 3% of the land is arable.

Posted by
17 posts

Thanks for the report! I am heading there for the first time next week, so good to know. I’m looking forward to my trip.

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2069 posts

My grandparents went on a tour back in the 1980s and the way it looked then vs. now in Rick's videos is 100% different. For good and bad.

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7281 posts

In 37 years, a lot of things will happen in most countries.

And I can understand that Americans think that infrastructure is just motorways and airports. But Egypt has also built a new metro in Cairo, updated the railways and is planning to be the 2nd country in Africa with high speed trains, things that actually solve traffic.

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7436 posts

To help alleviate congestion and crowding in Cairo, the government is building a new administrative capital about an hour east of Cairo. Eventually, the government and President will move out of the old city to the new capital.

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8585 posts

Yes, we were told about the METRO, apparently the French and building it.

Also, we were told about the government trying to use land that was not agricultural.

Regarding a country changing in 37 years. I can say that some places don't change that much compared to what I saw in Egypt.

Europe, in general doesn't change as much. Yes, the London Eye changed the landscape of that city, but physical changes for Europe, not so much. The changes that I have seen in Europe are the obvious large increase in non-Europeans living there now.

Also, graffiti abounds in much of Europe, and back in the 80s, graffiti was rare. This is not a positive change.

The countries that I saw that have changed the most are Egypt, wealthy Gulf states like the UAE and of course, China and Hong Kong. I visited Hong Kong and the PRC back in 1981 and later in 2012 and 2015. The PRC has changed more than any country I can remember.

As for changes in Europe, I would say the most significant changes were in the former Communist countries. I visited the DDR, Hungary, Czechslovakia, Poland and Yugoslavia in the 80s and later. Progress was huge.