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Posted by
7203 posts

Can't give you the definitive answer on that but I highly doubt it as RS tours are only in Europe.

Posted by
9468 posts

Rick's purview is Europe so seriously doubt it.

I'm lucky enough to have been to Cuba via an invitation from the film school. Absolutely one of the best trips of my life.

At present the island is unique, people are easy going and friendly, and the decay adds to the island's strange beauty. Go before the embargo is lifted, before the gentrification and coporate greed ruin's it's distinctiveness. Go before there's a Mickey D's and Starbucks on every corner!!!!!!!

While there met a woman who conducted tours with this organization.
She's no longer with them but because of her two colleagues used them to visit Cuba and had a fabulous time

Posted by
32425 posts


I suspect the chances the RS will offer tours to Cuba are about slim to none. His niche is Europe and probably always will be.

I'm considering heading to Cuba this winter for a short visit and some sunshine, but will have to see what the money situation looks like at the time.

Posted by
23755 posts

As a Canadian, Ken, you can come and go. Americans are still restricted to cultural exchange programs. We were just there in mid January on a cultural exchange program. Absolutely exhausting. It will be a while before there is to much change. Too much politics. And old Cubans in Florida dreaming impossible dreams of returning.

Posted by
5361 posts

You might want to check Road Scholars. Last week their site had info about tours they are going to do. If you are into cruising, Carnival Cruise lines announced today they will start going there next May. They did not give any details as the cruise appears to be a work in progress. Check their site periodically for updates.

Posted by
2147 posts

Carnival may begin offering cruises in 2016. I only glanced at the article in today's paper.

Posted by
4535 posts

The Carnival cruise plans are not your typical cruise for pleasure. It will be a volunteer work cruise, with the on-ship time spent training and learning - not drinking and watching shows. The Cuba time will be spent doing volunteer work, one of the allowed activities for American citizens visiting the island. They are still awaiting Cuban approvals.

Posted by
98 posts

I assume you are from America and you will know better than me the restrictions placed by your government on travel to Cuba.
However if you are prepared to sidestep current regulations plenty of Cuban companies offer excellent tours which would allow you to visit both Havana and highlights of other cities or the countryside.
One such is Havanatour which we used to visit Eastern Cuba a few years ago and Western Cuba in 2000. They have offices in England and Canada and I can really recommend their staff and services. I would say you have to be adaptable if the tour runs in a different sequence to what is advertised but you would see a wonderful slice of a very different society. I would add that on all of the three trips we have made to Cuba we have had American companions on the trips memorably on a music tour run by Songlines, an English music magazine.

Posted by
7 posts

Of course, this is all technically illegal but travel to Cuba, for an American, is not all that impossible. You certainly would have to arrange transport out of Canada or Mexico. Cuban, Canadian and Mexican officials are all very sympathetic to American travelers and will not stamp your passport on request (typically automatically). You may look for up to date info. I was researching this during the Bush years where the prosecutions were a little more prevalent. I would assume (potentially incorrectly) that there is a very low chance of the book being thrown at you for this.

I actually am looking at this again. My son is grown and I would like to visit Cuba while its still naughty of me to do so.

Posted by
1540 posts

I use this tour company to travel everywhere outside of Europe.
I highly recommend them.
I've been on at last 8 tours - prices are great and tours are wonderful

Gate 1 Travel

Posted by
3696 posts

I am in the process of getting together a group of professional photographers as well as amateurs who want to travel there, or just people who want to travel together. Send me a message if you want details. Still working out the dates.