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Anyone travelling to Vancouver this summer.....

For those who will be in the Vancouver area this summer, a new "dining experience" has just started operating - . It's not for the faint-of-heart or those operating on tight budgets, but it would be a unique memory of your trip to Vancouver.

This concept is operating in a number of different places around the world, but is a first for Vancovuer. Hopefully the video is not blocked outside of Canada?

Posted by
378 posts

Hi Ken:

Saw the video here in PDX. We'll be back up that way later this year to spend our Can$, but definitely not doing that. I'd rather have good food and wine sitting on the ground within a good walk of my hotel.


Posted by
6713 posts

Gee, thanks for sharing this, Ken! Those crafty Canadians will do anything for a buck, hey? ;-)

What I want to know is what happens if you drop a glass or fork or your phone over the side? Seems like some liability issues maybe.

All my life, up to now, I've liked everything about Canada. Maybe I've found the exception.....

Posted by
32363 posts


According to the news report, this concept is being used in something like 62 countries. Here's a short video on the Las Vegas version - .

I imagine they don't allow anyone underneath the platform as if anything falls and hits someone, it could cause serious injuries.

Posted by
3941 posts

Dick - you mean us crafty Canadians will do anything for a loonie ;)

Posted by
4115 posts

I wonder if they provide barf bags instead of doggie bags!

Posted by
54 posts

We saw that in Helsinki last year, though we did not participate.

Posted by
2349 posts

But, hey! Ken is such a great guy on this forum. I'll chip in $5 to send him up. Anyone else?

Posted by
378 posts

Hey, I'd chip in some Can$ just to have Ken do it and post pictures. Scares the heck out of me!

Posted by
6713 posts

Count me in on the Ken high-level-lunch scholarship fund. Just don't make me stand below the table!

Didn't realize this was going on in 62 countries, including Las Vegas. Glad I don't live in that country! ;-)

Posted by
32363 posts

Actually, if I had known about this when I was in Vancouver last week, I might have given it a try (although they may have to get a bigger Crane). I doubt that it will still be operating in November when / if I attend the Fleetwood Mac concert.

Posted by
2418 posts

i would also donate to that scholarship fund for Ken, like OP he's one of the nice guys here on the forum. he may be "hypnotized" or "going your own way". can't wait for him to post pictures.
have a wonderful time at concert, saw them in hawaii years ago. one of my all time favorites. i'm going to see elton john in sacramento in january. thanks ken