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Which socks?

My biggest problem with socks is the toe seams. There always seem to be hard nubs at the seam ends that end up between the top of my little toe and the shoe. Ouch.

I have groped my way through hundreds of socks on racks trying to figure out which ones don't have big nubs, often unsuccessfully, because of the way they are packaged. I do look for seamless socks, but with almost no luck.


Posted by
9343 posts

I wear all of my socks inside out, to avoid that seam.

Posted by
9110 posts

Coming soon to Tel Aviv: REI

The ones made out of Merino and with 'REI' across the top of the foot. If you look at the pictures, the toe area is a different color - - it's a little toe cup with no seams. A bit less than twenty bucks a pop.

Posted by
2081 posts


I use the REI marino wool sox too.

i dont have any issue with them.

happy trails.

Posted by
15806 posts

Thanks, I have both REI and The Walking Company on my list for my next US shopping trip.

I do wonder though if wool may be too warm. I do most of my walking in warm to hot weather. . . thoughts?

Ed, is REI really coming to Israel? I bet prices will be twice what they are "back home."

Posted by
9110 posts

Probably not, but it'd be nice. Sometimes I make crap up to see if anybody reads my junk.

I spend a good bit of time walking around in the deserts wearing the same socks and they work fine.

Trivia: Bedouin robes are made from sheep/goat/camel wool.

Posted by
15806 posts

I suspect that's more because it's easier to raise goats than cotton in the desert. The beduouin dresses for sale around here are all cotton (or maybe synthetics these days).

Anyway, know that I read every word, Ed . . . . at least some of the time.

Posted by
2811 posts

I love SmartWool socks. Never had a problem with them. Also available at REI

Posted by
2081 posts


i miss your reply about my testing the socks for 1 week w/o washing.

just so you know, i just dont buy something and put it away until i use it like on a trip. I will give it a shake down run as soon as i get it. That includes clothes. Some clothes will not fit or feel good on me so i try them ASAP and then if they fit good, i keep them and then run them thru their paces.

the marino wool socks were tested too along with a marino wool t-shirt. if you think that sox was bad, i wore the t-shirt for 1 month at work w/o washing it. It didnt smell bad either. It was overkill, but i wanted to see what would happen. also, i still have friends at work too.

with the world & trade being so global, i would have to believe you would be able to find some type of wool sox in Israel that would meet your needs.

if not, have you thought about having some sent? i know it can be expensive, but for a demo i would find an outlet and buy a sampling of several to try. that way you can at least try them before you go somewhere else and then have those checked off your list of ones to try.

happy trails.

Posted by
23750 posts

I use a medium weight wool hiking sock year around. A wool sock is cooler than a cotton sock of equal weight. The selection of a proper sock is as critical as the shoe and should be fitted together. A wool sock will not have a toe seam. I see no advantage to Smartwool over any quality wool sock. I find good merino wool socks at Sams Club from time to time.

Posted by
1717 posts

Hello Chani. The Smartwool socks and thick Merino Wool socks are very warm. Do not wear those socks in the summer.

Posted by
15806 posts

Hi Ron,

Nice to see you again, even if only virtually. Thanks for the reinforcement. Maybe only people who live in hot climes understand the issue.

Happy trails

Posted by
1054 posts

I use the Tilley Travel Socks. Little more expensive but they do dry overnight and they are guaranteed for 3 years. Very comfortable and I only took 2 pairs for 18 days in Italy.

Posted by
2811 posts

I wear SmartWool in the summer and I live in Atlanta so,.....

Posted by
1042 posts

I like the Tilly travel socks - they wear really well and the seam is on the outside. Also like the bamboo socks by Jockey - got mine at a ridculously low price at Costco.

Posted by
23750 posts

As I posted earlier, we wear wool socks year around and that includes summer. In our opinion, having done both, wool socks are more comfortable in hot weather than cotton. But you should test it yourself. Wool has a moisture wicking property that cotton does not.

Posted by
2081 posts

My point was to try.

I mentioned Marino wool because its what i bought to try. Its the only wools sock i have tried. Its not to say you MUST buy marino wool! I dont like the scratch wool against my skin and they dont make me scratchy.

happy trails.

Posted by
3302 posts

Icebreaker also makes wonderful socks out of New Zealand merino. They make low-cut lightweight sox that are fine for hot weather. They won't make your feet hot and sweaty, I promise. This brand seems to be more widely available in Europe ( and maybe Isreal?) than Smartwool.

I buy Icebreaker stuff from Sierra Trading Post to get good prices. Do you have an Amazon you can buy from? I'll bet they have some merino socks, either Smartwool or Icebreaker.

Posted by
588 posts

I buy Smartwool socks and they have winter and summer selections. Try REI or a good shoe store or sporting goods store. Duluth Trading Post carries them also with a reduced price if you buy three pair. I also have good luck with Tommy Hilfiger sox I get at their outlet stores. They are my summer sox.

Always pack Neosporin and moleskin in case you have foot problems.

Posted by
588 posts

I buy Smartwool socks and they have winter and summer selections. Try REI or a good shoe store or sporting goods store. Duluth Trading Post carries them also with a reduced price if you buy three pair. I also have good luck with Tommy Hilfiger sox I get at their outlet stores. They are my summer sox.

Always pack Neosporin and moleskin in case you have foot problems.

Posted by
3 posts

Another plug for merino wool! I where them everyday now and have very happy feet. I have REI and FoxSox, both have a bit of spandex in the arch area for extra foot hugging/support. They don't make my favorite anymore, so I am searching for something similar. Like new shoes, wear them and make sure you are happy with them.

Posted by
3 posts

I also use the REI marino wool sox.Never had a problem with them.

Posted by
117 posts

Hiking, biking, walking, Summer, winter, fall, Traveling the world or going to work. I wear Smartwool or Fits sox. They are merino wool and come in every weight from thick hikers to thinner low running sox. The newcomer on the block Fits (made in America) have additional compression areas on their sox that offer added support. The wool is breathable and cool in summer and I never get blisters.

Posted by
143 posts

SmartWool are worth every penny. You can also get them online @ for a little bit less than retail. My feet perspire a lot and I've found SW to be good in the summer; the low cut ones w/ a little padded tab at the heel won't slip down in your shoes.

Posted by
795 posts

I am a diabetic and wear diabetic socks called "Medi-Peds" They might be good for you too. I can't afford, as a diabetic, to have any rubbing or other bad things going on with my feet. You might not be able to find this specific brand where you are but look for "diabetic socks" online and I am sure you will find some you can use.

Posted by
9211 posts


I like Smartwool socks too, use them year 'round. However, on last trip I took Under Armour "charged cotton" socks. They are supposedly impregnated with silver compound that inhibits bacterial and fungal growth and therefore odor. Seemed to work and were comfortable as well. I don't see significant seams. Only downside to cotton is that it takes longer to dry. Got them at large chain sporting goods store.

Posted by
1 posts

I use Injinji Toe Socks almost exclusively. Each toe in its own little place with no seams! REI sells them as do Amazon and Zappos. They come in different weights and lengths. Good luck!

Posted by
14 posts

I wear 1,000 Mile Socks with no issues. They are in the UK but some are available through Amazon.Com

Posted by
2787 posts

When in Europe (every year for a month in 12 of the last 13 years) I wear ExOfficio socks - easy to sink wash and quick drying. In Seattle I usually wear SmartWool. In Hawaii - I do not wear socks there. I do wear a pair of SmartWool socks on airplane flights to keep my cold feet somewhat warm.

Posted by
507 posts

Since the day I had a blood clot I have worn compression socks (not stockings). They also help with deep vein thrombosis while traveling by air. I purchase Absolute-Support Unisex Knee-Hi socks from Discount Surgical Stockings online. The toe box does not have a seam & is roomy. Aside from knee-hi's one can choose Thigh- Hi's, mid-Calf-Hi's, & ankle-hi-'s in medium support. My legs do not feel tired either at the end of the day when I wear compression socks.

Posted by
826 posts

Another vote here for Smartwood or REI merino wool socks. I love them even in the summer.

Posted by
525 posts

I did read about testing the sox and not washing for a week...should have left a response! I've gone 4 days on mine and didn't notice any obnoxious odors. Good sox are worth their weight in gold.