i miss your reply about my testing the socks for 1 week w/o washing.
just so you know, i just dont buy something and put it away until i use it like on a trip. I will give it a shake down run as soon as i get it. That includes clothes. Some clothes will not fit or feel good on me so i try them ASAP and then if they fit good, i keep them and then run them thru their paces.
the marino wool socks were tested too along with a marino wool t-shirt. if you think that sox was bad, i wore the t-shirt for 1 month at work w/o washing it. It didnt smell bad either. It was overkill, but i wanted to see what would happen. also, i still have friends at work too.
with the world & trade being so global, i would have to believe you would be able to find some type of wool sox in Israel that would meet your needs.
if not, have you thought about having some sent? i know it can be expensive, but for a demo i would find an outlet and buy a sampling of several to try. that way you can at least try them before you go somewhere else and then have those checked off your list of ones to try.
happy trails.