Hello, everyone! We are planning our trip for next year, and my boyfriend has flat feet. Any good recommendations? Thank you in advance!
What does he wear here at home?
Personally I think someone with flat feet that wants to do a lot of walking should visit a podiatrist to see about custom orthotics.
I always thought I had flat feet and I went to the Walking co and they had me stand on their foot measuring computer and I learned that I had a medium arch and many more things about my feet. They told me all the brands that would work for me. And actually they did not have a shoe I wanted and they were OK with that and I had to shop at another store and got shoes that really work. They also sell inserts for your shoes that are not overly expenses as some of them can be. They also have their own brand of athletic shoes that are extremely comfortable.
I'd recommend going to a running/walking store if you have one in your area. They can take a look at the way he walks and find shoes that will help correct any pronation (twisting/rolling of the foot/ankle) that usually comes with flat feet causing pain.
I invested in some expensive shoes for our last trip..the most expensive pair of shoes I've ever owned in fact, but my feet were so glad I did!
I also wear these inexpensive little inserts inside my shoes (from Amazon) and they really help. My mom didn't like the pair she tried (also has flat feet), but I can walk for hours with these in my shoes and they are so comfy!
What does he wear here at home?
Interesting point. The whole topic of best walking shoes seems to imply that folks only walk while on a European holiday.
A podiatrist could set him up with orthotics, custom or off the shelf, that he could use both home and abroad.
I think this is an interesting post as I found that while on European holidays we often walk HEAPS every day.( in cities walking around the city/museums etc etc, not hiking)
I once tried a pedometer for a test and after logging up over 10000 steps( the usual 'recommended 'daily amount) before about 10am, I soon realised that it proved we were doing so much more exercise than at home.
I wear orthotics in my shoes, for arch support ( I can't walk long distances without them) so I use a good set in my travelling shoes and can walk 'all day' in them, day in day out, without any tiredness.( we holiday for 8-10 weeks at a time, so they get a work out)
What it does mean, for me, is buying a larger size shoe and removing the existing innersole ( which are often on a bit of flat material anyway - not very sculptured) and inserting the full length orthotics.
It makes buying shoes a pain, but the effort is well worth it.
with being on holidays for many weeks, we often find ourselves looking at the shoe shops and camping gear stores, I have noticed that not that many shoes have much in the way of 'shaped' inner soles.
I hope that helps.
Judy...same here. i thought I had flat feet and went to The Walking Store and walked across the machine they have. Turns out I actually have high arches and do well with the "neutral" arch. There are different arches in the sandals/shoes for the type of feet you have. I recommend he stop in there to see what type of arch support he needs "neutral, metarasal and something else". One is specific of flat feet, and then when he goes shoe/sandal shopping he can ask for those, or get arch support inserts that are specific.
Thank you for all the great responses! Actually, at home he wears sneakers, but he takes a very long time to find the ones that fit the best without causing any pain. I will have to see if we have one of those places around here in the Detroit area.
I have flat feet--size 15. Thankfully finding good shoes in my size is no problem with the internet. I have worn Dockers for many years with an insole.
I go to Walmart and stand on Dr. Scholls foot analyzer. That machine tells you which of their gel insoles is appropriate for his feet.
Tell him to try on a pair of Merrills and he won't wear anything else for walking long distances.
Since you all are planning ahead, he might also want to look at a product called Correct Toes. I've worn them since November and they have really strengthened my feet, altho I started with Plantar Fasciitis not flat feet. I also have changed to zero drop shoes (mine are Altra brand but there are several other brands such as Lems) which have a wide toe box to accommodate wearing the Correct toes.
Good luck and I am glad you all are thinking ahead. Keeping your feet healthy on a big trip is a priority!
I received one of those activity tracker/heart monitors as a gift so I was able to track my daily walking before, during and after our Euro trip.
At home, I run one kilometer every day. But in total, I only average less than about 5 kilometers a day. I drive everywhere, have a desk job, get home and watch a lot of TV and read too many travel forums. Good thing I go for that run everyday or I would have had a heart attack years ago.
On our Euro trip, we walked 10 to 15 kilometers per day. So your feet will take a lot of pounding compared to back at home.
As suggested, if you have foot problems, you should probably see a podiatrist.
Otherwise, IMO, I would recommend getting a good pair of athletic shoes. ASICs, Nike, New Balance, Adidas, etc. they are in the business of designing and manufacturing good fitting shoes to provide proper support and cushioning over long distances for different types of feet/walkers/runners. These shoes are usually much lighter, more breathable, dry quicker and smell less than any leather walking shoe. Fashion be damned, I would rather be comfortable. Judging by some people's itineraries, they are zipping from one attraction to another like the Flash (DC comics); they may as well dress like him. I wore bright yellow ASICs on my trip and I had happy feet. Maybe the pickpockets thought I could out run them because I was not victimized.
For health reasons we need more European travel and less sitting.
New research that distills the findings of 47 studies concludes that those of us who sit for long hours raise our average risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and early death.
I have had flat, flat feet for as long as I can remember. Many different brands and many, many dollars later I discovered Crocs. I bought my first pair about 11 years ago for working around the yard. Now I wear nothing else, save the exceptional couple of hours a year for weddings or funerals when I haul out the old leather monsters from their crypt at the bottom of the closet. I can walk miles a day, all day long, in blissful comfort. Talk about a life changer! YM(literally)MV. There are lots of different styles now, but I stick with what used to be called the Beach or the Professional models. Surely a consultation with a podiatrist or foot specialist trumps me, but a $30 or $40 dollar pair of Crocs might be a consideration. I wish your friend good luck.