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15110 posts

Gosh, those are cute. I also suggest you do some major walking in them before you leave. See if they will be comfortable over 5 miles or so. It looks like from your previous posts you have plans for Amsterdam, Paris and Rome among other destinations and you will easily walk that far each day in those cities. If you go to the Vatican, I would swear it is 5 miles just to get to and thru the Sistine Chapel, lol.

Posted by
34 posts

Hi Pam,

Thanks for the heads up :) I'm going to start wearing them to work and during my upcoming shopping trips to make sure they are broken in. Tried to go for "non-sneaker" look so we don't look too touristy! I'm new to the RS forums but it's very cool that you can tell where I'm heading by my prior posts. We're doing 3 days AMS, 4 days Paris, 5 days Positano, 2 Florence and 3 in Rome... My feet hurt just thinking about it; but we can't wait!

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15110 posts

I promise I am not stalking you, lol! Just click on your name (or my name) and it goes to the profile page, then you can see all the threads someone has participated in.

I am sure you are way younger than I since you are honeymooning (congrats and what a fun way to start a marriage!!) but if you walk for fitness (I walk on a local rails to trails paved path) then I would also take them out for a spin there as well. Some of the women on my 21 day Best of Europe found that shoes that were fine for around the house, for shopping or at work, even with a lot of walking at work, did not hold up to day after day walking in big European cities. Your feet are young, however, and they will probably be fine. I shudder to remember what kind of shoes I wore to Europe in my 20s and 30s!

Don't worry about looking like a tourist. Most residents of the countries you visit will be able to tell you are American (if you are American, lol) before you open your mouth!

Posted by
15 posts

I am older, and shoes are super important for me. I found the vionic orthaheel, were not the best for me, the sole was not thick enough, and not enough side support if you have pronation problems. Younger folk can frequently get away with less shoe quality. Like others said, walk in them long distance, not just at home, good luck, and I am excited for you, you will have fun!

Posted by
250 posts

I have super high arches and thought I'd try these. Feels like a golf ball under my arch. Didn't find them comfortable at all. Perhaps this style is different...

Posted by
439 posts


I haven't worn this particular style but I have tried other styles. I have very high arches so that works for me. I do like a bit more cushioning for the cobblestones & long walks.


Posted by
506 posts

I have friends who swear by them, but I had to send sandals back because I have a medium arch and Vionics have a very aggressive high arch and they felt like stones on the bottom of my feet. I ended up on my last trip with memory foam sketchers, a slip on and a tie pair. And a pair of Earth Sandals. Walking Co will tell you they type of arch you have and then make sure you have plenty of padding.

Posted by
1625 posts

Orthaheel is a great brand. Look on Zappos for mutiple reviews on this shoe. I just puchased my first pair of orthaheel due to a flare up of Planters Facititous which has been hanging around since March, and my trip is in October! I have the flip flops and yes they do have a high arch. The company called me and suggested I wear them for an hour on day one and build up from there. Now they are comfy and hopefully helping me heal. For Europe I will be puchasing these:

and for my closed toed shoe a Sketchers shoe with a Pinnacle Powerstep Insole.

Posted by
116 posts

I have a pair of Vionic sandals that I love!! I have problem feet - arthritis in toes and tendonitis in heels. I have considered the Vionic drivers for my trip next April. Let me know how they work for you if you decide to get them.