What PS woman can suggest a good walking shoe to be used over a 10- day period? My requirements:
A. No sandals
B. Comfort is important, not fashion
C. I must wear compression knee-high socks. Compression hosiery are out of the question.
D. In the past I have used New Balance laced leather uppers, replacing the insoles with Spenco insoles. Is NB the best for a PS woman?
I will be walking in mountainous area most of the day when not traveling.
Suggestions to prepare for the walking. I admit to being a couch potato. I walk one section of the mall before my lower back begins to hurt.
Suggestions for treating sore feet & sore back at end of day?
My trip is not until Spring 2015. HELP! I do not want to miss any of this trip!
P.S. I will be traveling to mountain ranges in Portugal & Spain as well as the French Alps. Although a coach will take my group to Fatima, Lourdes, & destinations in the mountains of Spain, the walking will be uphill/downhill. There is nothing comparable in Houston.
My intention is to slowly build up my stamina to walking five to ten miles/day. I will use the gym staff to teach me how to use the equipment I need to use to build muscle - again at my pace, not theirs. I am checking into water aerobics, also, as suggested.
Feel free to message me.