My latest observations on flights:
A family pitching a fit on Southwest because they couldn't get five seats together. It was everyone's fault but theirs that they didn't check in till they got to the airport.
A young teen couple cursing a flight attendant for asking them to use headphones on their handheld games.
A far eastern family opening up a smorgasbord of homemade ethnic food mid-flight that literally smelled like feet and ****. The smell was still there when we deplaned two hours later.
A businessman taking someone else's luggage out of the overhead bin and replacing with his, because "this bin is over my seat and therefore it is mine." By the time the situation was diffused, he was right on the verge of being kicked off the plane.
Some 50 or so year-old man wearing pajamas with a tiger or leopard-skin print. He walked to the bathroom in his socks, and for whatever reason frequently stood, stretched, and looked around. I guess he just wanted attention and he certainly got it.
All this was within the last six months.