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Love these Shoes!

I know many say tennis shoes/walking shoes/trainers will not "fit in" or are not attractive or practical for travel. But actually sneakers, like the ones called city sneakers or lifestyle shoes are very trendy. They are made by every company fron Sketchers to Vans and Converse up to Gucci. As long as they work forbwalking, they are a good choice.

My new favorite is the Palermo sneaker made by Lowa, a hiking boot company. They are cute, comfortable, made for walking, and waterproof. The suede comes in various colors.®-ws

Do not be put off by the $170 price tag, as various colors and sizes can be found on discount websites for much less. I paid $79 for my tan suede ones last year. But they are well made and will last for years, so worth every cent.

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21 posts

I second that! I bought the same style about a month ago for quite cheap. Still breaking them in (as I don't wear them everyday due to the weather here) but I feel the Europeans always do shoes right. Can't wait to try them traveling this fall.

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125 posts

I bought some Lowa hiking boots for our Austria/Germany trip in Sept. We went to REI to check them out (I've had surgery on my foot and I am skeptical on buying shoes online). After trying them on I could have ordered the same boots online slightly cheaper but the customer service was outstanding and I was already there soooo.

Anyhow, back to my point, the price tag was pretty steep but man, are those boots so comfortable! A lot of REI employees recommended these boots and I thought they just want to make a sale. No, seriosly, I love Lowa brand and may check out the above recommended shoes myself!

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17610 posts

I bought a pair in tan on Sierra Trading Post for around $70 last fall. I did not wear them seriously until a road trip to California last month. The heel part rubbed a bit so I spent some time softening that area with my thumbs (flexing) and now they are perfect. They are going on our trip this summer as my "casual" shoe for most of our city time as well as Switzerland when I am not hiking. It is like having hiking shoe technology in a good-looking sneaker.

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383 posts

Thanks for sharing this shoe recommendation! I had not heard of this brand before. My husband and I each just ordered a pair for our Ireland/England/Scotland trip this summer. Hopefully they fit and feel good! They're exactly what we wanted--a sneaker, European-type looking shoe that will fit in with the local style but also waterproof and have a good sole for some light hiking. Thanks again!

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24 posts

I couldn't agree more to you. I bought a pair of these last month and I really love it! It's so cute and very comfortable to use.

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4074 posts

I know many say tennis shoes/walking shoes/trainers will not "fit in"
or are not attractive or practical for travel.

Why would you wear tennis shoes to travel unless you're playing tennis on that trip? Tennis shoes aren't for daily walking. They have special supports for the quick sprints you do side-to-side and front and back. We pack our tennis shoes as wearing them off the court would ruin their effectiveness and support.

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302 posts

Thank you, Sasha, for this tip! I have been using the barefoot "toe" shoes the past 4-5 years since my annual summer trip always includes hiking. I have appreciated how lightweight they are, and the superb traction as well as just fitting my gnarly 62-year-old feet (bunions, too😒). This summer, though, I have almost a week in far northern Finland where it will probably be marshy in places and also on and off a Hurtigruten ship with lots of potential rain both on the ship deck and ports. And they look so unusual...Then I saw your tip about the Lowa line of waterproof options! I tracked down a discounted size 6 online in the San Francisco style, since I learned not all have the gore-tex. They definitely don't have as much "give" as the barefoots I still prefer, but they look enough like sneakers/trainers to wear with sporty pants for city walking and as I wear them they are becoming very comfortable. A tip is that I think they run large. I am a pretty "true" 6 and even with both an insert and thicker socks my feet move around if the laces aren't tied really tightly. Last tip- I solved the "berry" laces ( more like bright magenta!) with swapping out a nice sedate gray that's more me. The soles are still way too pink, but only visible if I fall over! More thanks! I will also be taking the new Beechwood Allbirds both loungers and tie style- Allbirds is my other favorite!

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3978 posts

Thanks Sasha! I am wanting a pair of these shoes. Just perfect for wearing with slacks and not looking like I'm wearing a white tennis shoe!