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Ireland in May

I have a lot of trouble finding a quality walking shoe that is comfortable (and somewhat stylish) due to a Morton's Neuroma in my right foot. I do however have Keen Rose sandals which are great and I plan on bringing one or two pairs to Ireland in May. I just bought the Ecco Soft 7 sneaker ($160 bucks!) which seems ok when walking around the house (my foot still goes numb when I sit still) but I am not convinced I need a completely closed type shoe. My question is while in Ireland (May 9-May 23) can I get away with just a sturdy sandal type shoe with a closed toe like the Rose, or should I play it safe and keep the Ecco in case of a colder day? Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

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6869 posts

Unless you plan to spend 100% of your time indoors in just in the larger cities, I can not imagine relying on sandals in Ireland any time of the year. It rains a lot in Ireland (yes, even in the summer). Anywhere you go you will need to be able to deal with wet, uneven pavement, and plenty of places with no pavement at all. You should be prepared for cold, wet, sloppy surfaces no matter when you are going. Don't worry about "style". Survival comes first.

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150 posts

I should clarify that "cold" to me is probably below 55. I don't wear socks/shoes in the winter in Phoenix until it gets down to 60? The Keens I have are water proof. I guess what I am wondering is if I need a more sturdy, boot type shoe. I am hoping for packing purposes I don't.

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750 posts

You may very likely have cool wet days in Ireland, even much later in the season. I would definitely use/take closed shoes.

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2023 posts

I had the same foot problem about ten years ago and can sympathize with your issue. We have made 8 trips to Ireland and I have rarely ever worn anything but sandals no matter what month--but admit to never being there in winter. I wear open toe Ecco Yucatan sandals and never experienced much rain or wet feet. If it is too cool I wear socks with the sandals. The arch support in these sandals works well for me. I am convinced that my feet recovered from Morton's due to wearing sandals/shoes that fit loose so toes have a bit of space. My feet love Ugg boots too.