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Hoka One One. Any experience?

My wife developed sesamoiditis (sp?) inflammation of the tiny free floating bones in the ball of the foot below the big toe. The podiatrist suggested the Hoka shoes. She has a pair ordered (5 1/2 so never in stock). I tried on a pair. Man these things were really hit with the ugly stick but they sure felt great. I'm debating a purchase as they are $150. Neither of us are runners but wondering if anyone has had experience with these walking distances such as we'd encounter on RS tours?

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472 posts

I know a lot of runners really like them. Try Running Warehouse to order them online, they often seem to have Hokas on sale and I've always been really happy with their quick shipping and customer service.

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2173 posts

Hi Alan, not sure which style you are looking for but Zappos has that brand starting at $104 (free shipping). No experience with them but the reviews are very good. Hope they work for you!

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1 posts

I have RA and have found these sneakers (in wide) to be the very best-and I have tried many different shoes/sneakers. Yes, they aren't attractive but when you have medical issues you have to do what you must. (There's more to life than how things look/appear.) I hope your wife has healing and feels better. I recommend Hoka 1 sneakers for comfort.

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1026 posts

I have PF in my feet and a runner. I have three pairs of Hokas and love them

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713 posts

Man these things were really hit with the ugly stick but they sure
felt great.

My experience exactly. I'm not a runner; I'm an old woman with SI joint problems and feet that are the worse for a lifetime's worth of wear and some old injuries. An orthopedic surgeon who evaluated my feet, recommended that I wear shoes with a rocker sole - which reduces pressure on the forefoot as you walk.

I found the Hoka shoes on Zappos nearly two years ago. Got a pair in black leather, and they were my ugliest and bestest friends on a two week solo rail trip around the UK that fall. They have a rocker type sole but a very stable heel (unlike those old MBT types which were fine but sometimes tricky for balance and stability). I felt very sure on my feet and never had to sit down and rest because my feet hurt. And yes, in terms of style, I might as well have worn shoeboxes. But the Hokas were, and are, my go-to shoes. I now have three pair of Hokas, including the original pair which is getting beat up and worn out.

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2739 posts

Thanks for the input all. My wife has been wearing her new Hoka's and she says they feel great and foot pain is gone. She got a size 5 which fits. At that size they look cute! And, despite looking bulky they are very light. I'm getting a pair!

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563 posts

Hoka's were the opposite reaction to Vibrium's Five-Finger ultra minimalist shoes. Today, Five-Fingers are no longer in business and Hoka's have been one of the recent success stories for both runners, hikers and walkers. I found Hoka's midsole to be too tall, I got a pair and ended up rolling my ankle on a trail run. Took two weeks to recover. I've since switched to The North Face's Endurus Trail Runners, they also use a very supportive foam in the midsole like Hoka but, not as tall and not as volumous. One of the most comfortable shoes I've ever owned.
The North Face Endurus

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2739 posts

Tried the North Face Enduras but they run narrow. I've noticed I'm more sensitive to that as I age. I suspect my arch is giving way and feet are therefore wider. A new pair of Asics in the style I've worn for many years are no longer suitable (my last mail order shoes for a while). I will stick with the funny looking Hoka's.

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25 posts

I have plantar fasciitis that flares up from time to time. I got a pair of the Hoka Clifton 3's and they are wonderful. Like walking on memory foam and they are super lightweight. I plan to take them to Ireland in a couple of weeks.

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3 posts

I am a runner and I am on my second pair on Hoka One One sneakers, the Clifton 3
Highly recommend them. It is like running on air, super comfortable.
with that being said, I am not bringing to Italy next month. Want more lighter, dressier shoe.
I bought Croc sandals recently to bring based on Smarter Travel recommendation. I think they will do well

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2739 posts

We got to put our Hoka's to the test. Two RS tours back to back, Portugal and London. Our feet thanked us every day. They are a pain to pack so we wore them on the plane. Although we both packed nicer looking shoes our go-to pair were the Hoka's for every day touring.