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Big Clarks sale at right now is having a big Clarks sale right now - stuff sells out FAST, no returns are allowed, and you need a Zulily account to even view the items, which is all annoying, but they are popular walking shoes and my feet are happy to walk miles and miles in Clarks shoes, so I thought I'd post to alert people.

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287 posts

I tramped all over the UK and France for 4 weeks in October in a pair of Clark's and they were awesome. They hardly even needed a break-in period at home before departure

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2787 posts

I use to buy Clarks Air Mover mens shoes when they were made in England but once they shipped the manufacturing to "off-shore-low wage" countries, they are not the same. A friend of mine owns a shoe store in Seattle and he says he has had many more complaints about Clark shoes since they went off-shore that he ever got when they were made in England. When I was in England after the manufacturing went off-shore, I went to several Clarks stores and could find none made in England. So, I am now resoling the three pairs I have and wearing them to Europe. They fit my feet like a glove with replaceable inserts.

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2144 posts

I liked Clarks and wore them for a long time...until I met Crocs. I have worn them for years, starting when they were all pretty much made in Mexico as best I can recall. A few months ago I went into the store and tried them on...same model, same size, yet each pair made in China, Mexico or Vietnam fit my foot differently. I thought I was crazy but the salesperson assured me I wasn't imagining it. So much for quality control I guess. I used to order online, but from now on will visit the store.

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1264 posts

Denny - I agree about the Crocs. I've been looking for over a year now for a replacement for my fave flip-flops but even though they have the same style name, they're waaaay different now than these I have had and loved for a couple years. We ought to start a petition. :)