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Anyone have any experience traveling and heavy sight-seeing with Allbirds wool runners sneakers?

I get the sense from what little I can find out about them, that while they may be cozy (wool uppers) and low-odor, they may not hold up well to a lot of daily walking.

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563 posts

I've yet to meet anybody (in person) who likes them for comfort and all have complained about the smell. They pack well and look sharp (some styles) but, that's it.

If anything, women who are in-shape and not overweight do well with them as they are more akin to flats, women are used to wearing flats. Whereas guys, unless you're a runner wearing minimalist shoes, they may not do the trick. There's a lot of chatter online and fans of them will speak-up, just make sure if you buy a pair, you wear them for a couple of months, and really give them a wearing in before declaring trip-ready.

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125 posts

I've bought them and tried them. I do NOT recommend them. OK for occasional use inside the house.

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2739 posts

I have them and find them comfortable. But I would not take them for travel where there would be much walking and heat as they are anything but low-odor.

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2554 posts

From a quick glance, there is inadequate support for significant walking.

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158 posts

They're okay. I wore them for a two week trip to Japan last November. I just brought one pair of flat black boots otherwise. We did some light hiking and lots of city walking. I wouldn't recommend the white color though, they get dirty really easily and look sloppy. I wore socks most of the time, they didn't smell.

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187 posts

I like mine, they are pretty comfortable. I did wear them for walking around cities and they did well for me. However, my feet smelled so bad every evening, and this is not a problem I usually have. They are certainly not low-odor.

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4 posts

My hubby wore Allbirds shoes to Italy (Best of Italy 17 days) last year. He swapped back and forth with another pair of shoes hat has more cushions. However, he had no complaints with either shoes. BTW - he’s 6’ and was weighing about 248 lbs at the time (he insists I note that he’s lost 48 lbs since then).

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272 posts

I wore Allbirds last year for our Rome/Naples/ Sorrento trip. I wore them most days (non-rain) and was pretty comfortable in them. I did replace the insole with a more supportive one. I am a smallish person. I don't think a person with foot/leg problems would enjoy them. My foot seemed to roll around in them. The more I wear them, the less comfortable they are. I never had a problem with smell.

Posted by
256 posts

Thanks, everyone for all the replies! Nice to get reviews from those who have already experienced using these shoes in similar conditions to what I might have!

In light of the majority of the reviews, I think I will pass on these. It seems to be what I expected - they wouldn't offer enough support for me for lots of heavy daily walking. I am one who can't wear flats for even an hour or two, since they offer little or no support, so it's helpful to see that these sneakers seem to compare the most to flats. And I have enough other sneakers that don't need added insoles, so buying some for these would just be an added cost.

And I didn't expect to hear so much about an odor after wearing these, especially since their website makes a big deal about how you can wear these without socks and have no odor. Again, glad for a real world view!

Thanks again all!

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117 posts

I love my allbirds, I have 2 pairs. That being said I would not take them to Europe, we walk a lot and I don’t think they have enough support.

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302 posts

I have their wool version and "tree" version in both the lounger and laced runner style and they are my most comfortable shoes. I am 62, small, and have horrible old feet with a large bunion on each. I took the lightweight version as my main shoe for 3 weeks this past summer to Norway, Finland and Denmark and walked endless miles comfortably. I wouldn't use them for hiking or in wet conditions, though. Smell hasn't been a problem although I ordered new insoles after such extensive wear.