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Advice?Buying travel shoe for Teens for Christmas Paris, Amsterdam, & B. Oberland

Is it reasonable for my teens boys to have one pair of shoes (the ones they wear) for this trip?
17 days: Amsterdam, Paris, BO Switzerland.
We will do some path hiking in BO but not long.
Dates late May-early June
They both need a new outdoor shoe and would be a great Christmas gift.
Is there Merrell or something else you recommend. I was planning on doing Gortex/waterproof. Do you agree?

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1403 posts

Hi Tri -

As I've noted elsewhere walking shoes/boots are a highly subjective thing. That said I do love my Merrell Moab Ventilators - I'm wearing them as I type. I have walked in these both locally and abroad and they are my every day 'I'm going out for a while' go to choice of footwear.

I also have a couple of pairs of 'approach shoes' which I walk in which are a little more substantial and of these my favourites are a pair of Italian made Zamberlans. The model has sadly been discontinued - isn't that always the case? - so telling you what they are would be of no help I'm afraid, but I guess it's the 'approach shoe' bit that is important here.

The Merrells aren't Goretex and aren't especially waterproof. The Zamberalns are Goretex and also aren't that waterproof. Both shoes have suede/cordura uppers and the Merrells at least have the ubiquitous Vibram sole. Both shoes dry out fairly rapidly when they've got wet. Fingers crossed for good weather on your trip!

Hope the teens appreciate the trouble Santa has been to for them!


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9436 posts

I wouldn’t pick out shoes for teens. I’d make a humorous shoe cut-out gift certificate and put in a shoe box as a gift under the tree, but let them pick them.
I recommend wearing the same walking shoes there as you do here.

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8378 posts

I also recommend that an adult just take one pair of shoes with them. Same for the kids.
The Merrills are fantastic shoes, especially if they have a little tread on the soles. There are other great brands too. But like they said, let the kids pick them out.

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9120 posts

I love my Ahnu waterproof hiking shoes. I've worn them on many trips as my only shoes and they worked great.

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23753 posts

At that time year, waterproof shoes would be critical. And make sure they are waterproof and not hiding behind the label of weather resistance, water resistance or some variation that really means that the shoe will be soaked in 15 minutes instead of five. Gortex text is a brand, and tends to be more experience while there are other waterproof system that work just as well.

I only take one pair of shoes but the shoes have interchangeable innersoles. I change those daily and that helps to keep the inside of the shoe dry. Waterproof shoes works both ways -- keeps water out and foot moisture in. I remove the innersoles at night and position the shoes so that inside is dried out at night.

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703 posts

I have to disagree with some of the comments. we have spent 3 , 2 month europe trips all in may-june in exactly the areas you are going. a reasonable pair of low cut hiking style shoes or joggers that have been waterproofed ( eg waterproofing spray ) would be adequate. as long as they are very comfortable. eg: perhaps install better insoles.
last year we experienced mid 30 degree C temps in paris for days and spent time in chamonix where is was 37 C. so it can be HOT. so full goretex boots etc are overkill, unless you get them cheap. we have hiked many kms in numerous alps and other areas and our low cut shoes have been very good. if its raining heavy, you do other things.( for what its worth salomon fit me and I find they are good) there will be days when you would like to have full waterproof shoes and days when you were wishing you had open sandals.

as for brand, that will very much depend on your feet, as the 'lasts' they use vary so each brand will more than likely fit differently.
I have just gone through this episode trying to find some water proof shoes for our winter trip and each brand varies , so find one that suits you.
hope this helps.