Hello all: I'm hoping someone can recommend a guided walking tour focused on history and/or architecture. We will be in Brussels for 4 days in early May this year. Also, museum recommendations are welcome. Thank you in advance. This forum is such a great place to gather first-hand information!! Susan
ARAU does tours of architecture (Art Nouveau, Art Deco) in Brussels. However, they are not regular tours and you would have to be lucky for your trip to coincide with them. They are more tours for locals than tourists: https://www.arau.org/en/
They do take you farther afield than the centre, they mostly look at the suburbs where a tourist would rarely visit.
Otherwise you will find most tours available from the tourist information centre in the Grand' Place are walking tours that treat the buildings in the historic centre. There are also walks you can do yourself with just a brochure from the TI.
Good luck finding your tour!