Seeking your advice. Am hoping to visit Belgium in the future and am trying to decide which caves(s) to visit in the Ardennes region, We will be using public transportation. Have already visited the cave in Dinant. The caves are Han sur Lesse, the Hotton cave and Remouchamps. It looks like doing the first 2 caves on the same day is possible if get an early start, but would this be overkill so better to take 2 days for this? Are there any preferences for one cave or caves over another?
Thank you.
For planning your trips with the bus and train you can use the website of Belgianrail. Quickest option is a combination of bus and train for going from Han-sur-Lesse to Hotton (or vice versa), think will take an hour or so depending the connection.
Route: Bus Han-sur-Lesse “Eglise” to Rochefort-Jemelle, from there train to Melreux-Hotton. Finally bus to bus stop Hotton Bonderzaie, from there it’s a mile walking to the entrance of the cave. A taxi can be worth to consider for the final leg.
It’s too long ago to say what cave is to prefer, nice about Han-sur-Lesse is that a historical tram brings you from the ticket booth to the cave entrance.
Wil, thank you so much for your info. Very good to have. Enjoying the caves on google and You Tube as they are beautiful.
If you plan on doing Remouchamps anyway, try to go see the cave in Ramioul as well. That is, if you're not only into geology but prehistory as well :) They have a super interesting museum around prehistory in that part of Belgium and how they used the caves, etc.
Thank you so much for the info on Ramioul. I googled it and can see the list of caves to visit expanding. Won't be this year, hoping for 2022 or 2023. The Ardennes region has so much to see.