I understand there is a restaurant in Bruges that does not have a beverage list, you are served the beer that is used in making the food but can not find the name. Sounds like an interesting concept/place to try.
I don't know about that but our visit to Cafe Vlissinghe was great. They are celebrating their 500th anniversary this year! One of the most lively and festive pubs we've ever visited. http://www.cafevlissinghe.be/cafevlissinghe.be/home.html
Never heard of this place, but I did want to give a shout out to my favorite Bruges restaurant, Tom's Diner, which is anything but a diner in the American sense of the word. It's a lovely candlelit bistro off the tourist track, so it actually has locals eating there too. Had an amazing Flemish meat loaf there once--it's called "gehaktbroodje" in Dutch. It can be pricey, but it's worth it.
Sorry I'm a little late here but…
The restaurant you're thinking of may be Den Dijver/ Den Dyver. Here's an old article about it:
But checking the restaurant's website and newer versus older reviews, it appears they changed directions sometime back and are reported to have little-to-no beer at all; wine is now the focus.
You are right Kathy, Den Dyver went bankrupt early 2014 and with the new owners beer is indeed no more the focus.