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Winter Travel 2022

We have booked travel to the Christmas Markets in Salzburg/Vienna for November/December 2022.

In light of developments (the energy crisis, in particular) what are your inclinations going forward?
I am wondering if the Christmas Markets will still take place. To be honest, I have not done a deep dive to find the answers, but thought I would reach out to others who have planned to travel to the markets this year, too. Is anyone getting the feel that the possible energy crisis will need to curtail travel at this time?

I realize that the answers at this moment may be speculative, but Im just trying to get a feel of others' thoughts.


Posted by
130 posts

We are planning to go to the Alsace region for the markets as well and have been wondering the same thing. Any info you garner would be great to hear.

Posted by
12 posts

We are planning to travel to Christmas markets end of November through first week of December. Everything I have been able to find indicates reduced hours of lighting, earlier ending times, and monuments not being lit. I would be interested in any other information.

Posted by
77 posts

I had been following this thread: December Trip Itinerary Recommendations?

One of the last posts on the thread had an article discussing the crisis, so I shared the following:

"Germany running out of gas in the Winter?"

'We posed our concerns about this and its possible effects on winter travel in the "Austria" forum. Too, we also queried possible disruptions on the "Germany" forum on TAdvisor. People (on TA) seem to think that winter tourism will continue with minimal effect, but I am having difficulty seeing how that is possible--especially in light of what we are hearing from government and media sources.
Also, there was only one follow up post in the Austria forum here on RS--and that was to say that the only effect of the energy crisis in Vienna is that the Rathaus Christmas market will open one week later than usual.
Is winter travel to Germany/Austria prudent at this time? Is it irresponsible and (possibly) self-serving? I guess the governments of those two countries will determine the former, and I will have to determine the latter.'

I will be happy to share any information I run across, Sheri and Shirley. Please do the same.
Several of the places we have booked must be cancelled before November 5....and November is fast approaching. Too, I am considering reaching out to these places to get their insight.


Posted by
1177 posts

Recent news does not mention energy for Europe, but it does mention flu and covid rising. So aside from worrying about being cold in your hotel or lights out on the streets, you may want to be UTD on your shots.

Posted by
77 posts

Yes, the flu is making its comeback this year.

We shall see how the European energy crisis impacts Winter travel.

Posted by
22 posts

Hello, I read 2 German language newspapers and a few weeks ago this question was covered in an article. The author's feel was that yes, Europe will have heating ,etc, this winter. I also read that some iconic sights, such as the Koln Cathedral, will not be lit all night. I got the impression that European travel will be fine, but it's relatively easy to check with the Christmas Markets via their websites.

Posted by
5558 posts

Pretty sure we will have essential lighting, heat and fuel in Vienna...

Posted by
130 posts

As a follow-up on this... I contacted our 2 main hotels to see if the rooms would be warm enough to sleep in and they said we will still have control over the thermostats in our rooms. Didn't want to be freezing all day long and still at night!
FYI, I was able to buy tickets for the Ravenna Gorge Christmas Market online earlier today. They made a point of saying nearly everything they run is very green and sustainable.
I have also read in several places that they expect the energy crisis in Europe will be much worse in 2023 than this year if the current situation continues. So of the 2 years, I'd rather go this year.
That's the sum of my knowledge at this point! We plan to continue with our trip as of today. I feel that the economic impact on Europe is already severe and the cancellation of travel plans is almost a 'piling on' of their troubles.
The flu and COVID are continuing issues, so we shall see what happens with that...

Posted by
130 posts

Does anyone know how to purchase an electric blanket made to us European current?

Posted by
77 posts

Thank you for this information, Shirley.

"We plan to continue with our trip as of today. I feel that the economic impact on Europe is already severe and the cancellation of travel plans is almost a 'piling on' of their troubles."

This has been one of our concerns, as well. Like you, as of today, our plans are to continue with our trip, too.

Posted by
5558 posts

Shirley - No one is going to be freezing in their beds in a hotel room in Vienna. Fuel might be expensive and room costs may be more expensive, but no one is talking about cutting off heat, not now, not ever. An electric blanket will not be necessary.

Posted by
21414 posts

1/ I have been watching the new an searching the net and so far all I have found is Extreme Headlines followed by small print that indicates life pretty much as normal.
2/ The most extreme measure I have seen is Spain cutting heating to 19C in public buildings (a tad chilly) and monument lights being turned off an hour early (like in Paris).
3/ Above there is a comment that the Vienna markets are going to open a week later on the 19th; had no idea they opened on the 12th; now they are just in line with most of the rest of the European markets
4/ For the lighting, fortunately LED lights have become extremely practical and lighting energy consumption for monuments and markets has already been reduced to 15 to 20% of what it was just a few years ago.
5/ Do they want tourists? After those in the tourism industry whose livelihood was devastated by COVID, I suspect they dont want a repeat this year; so I suspect yes, they do want tourists as those people have to earn money somehow to pay their home electric bills.

Posted by
130 posts

I've seen an article by an environmental group (I think in Germany) that wants everyone to shut off all their Christmas lights and eliminate all Christmas trees except for one per town. Not just for this year, but everlastingly, for climate well-being. At first I thought it was a government issued statement, but it isn't. My my.

Posted by
77 posts

There will always be 'those'.

Truth be told, they were probably negatively vocal about Christmas, Easter, et al, long before there was an energy issue. Sometimes opportunity presents itself just enough for 'those' to become relevant.....if even for a moment in time.

Let those who choose not to celebrate (as in years past), not celebrate/decorate. Leave those who still have some magic in their bones---celebrate.

For now, each of us get to make choices. I know what I plan to choose...and I'm pretty sure you are feeling the same.

Posted by
130 posts

YES, jchurch! I'm totally with you! We still plan to go and hope it'll be a spectacular year with just a lovely touch of snow! :-)