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Wholesale shopping?

I have an old J Sydney Jones Vienna walking guide. He talks about the textile quarter, which has wholesale goods, near Maria am Gestade, towards the canal. Is this familiar to anyone? If so, are there any sellers in particular I should aim for? I plan to do the walk, but I won't bother with the slight detour to this area if it doesn't really exist anymore.

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Never heard of it.

In Vienna this is called "Wissenslücke" (blind spot).

The "Textilviertel" is/was a famous area, but the decline started when a new wholesale shopping center ("Textilgroßmarkt") was opened in St. Marx (3rd city borough). Most companies moved there because of space and much better traffic conditions. It is estimated that only 10% of the old shopkeepers stayed in the city center.

That text describes the history and the development of the "Textilviertel", only in German though, but Google Translate should do: