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Where to eat on Christmas in Vienna

Hi there,
Our family will be spending Christmas in Vienna and I was wondering whether anyone could recommend restaurants for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day that will be open. I asked the reservation folks at the hotel we are staying at for recommendations but all the restaurants they recommended are closed on Christmas.

I know Vienna is a major Christmas destination so I wanted to book a table soon--especially since there are five of us going.

Thank you!

Posted by
5558 posts

The website of the Vienna Tourist Board typically publishes a list of restaurants open on Christmas Eve, much closer to the holidays. I doubt that many restaurants have even determined yet if they will be open on Dec. 24.

That said, most high end hotels, such as Sacher, Bristol, Imperial will serve a nice meal on Christmas Eve. As for Christmas Day, most restaurants are open as normal.

Posted by
4976 posts

for holidays, you'll usually end up at a hotel (which isn't necessarily bad) but you are way too soon on this

Posted by
216 posts

Thank you both for the information. I was under the impression this needs to be booked well in advance but I guess not. Glad to hear we will options.

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4 posts

Hi - our family will also be in Vienna for Christmas and having the same concerns about restaurants for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Curious if you’ve had any luck finding anything. Thank you.

Posted by
1749 posts

Go to the Michelin website and check there. I had a splendid meal last Christmas Day at a small Michelin restaurant that was open. They only took a limited number of reservations, and I booked a couple months in advance.

Posted by
1423 posts

Reguardless, I would make reservations weeks ahead of time.

Posted by
227 posts

We enjoyed a Christmas Day dinner at the well known Plachutta (Wollziele location) last December. I booked sometime in November. Their website was not accepting reservations for Christmas Day or Eve but it said to call, which I did, and had no problem making a reservation.

Posted by
21416 posts

Christmas is a ways off, so use the time for some research. Make a list of a dozen places that interest you, then check their website and if that doest reveal anything, call or write and ask. I don't know why my home city would be substantially different than Vienna. I checked the question about 4 years ago here and found no more than a third in areas a tourist would likely venture were closed 24, 25 and 26. Of the other two thirds they were generally open at least 2 of the 3 days. And there was no consistency to which 2 days they were open.

One caution is to avoid booking sites as they might not be updated for the holiday. Call or write for your reservation.

Posted by
216 posts

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for your most recent responses. Jamiton, the only place we have booked thus far is Plachutta (Wollziele location). I've also been told to check the Vienna Tourism Board for a list of restaurants that are open for Christmas but I haven't gotten around to it yet.
I've also been told that most hotels offer Christmas Eve/Day dinner so I'm also planning to look into that but haven't gotten around to it yet.

Posted by
4976 posts

Realize that when we say go to a "hotel" for a Christmas dinner, we're really meaning a 4 or 5 or 6 star hotel. that's the kind of place that is almost required by law to have such service. So be prepared for a long, slow, expensive meal (not that that's a bad thing) and you might want to dress up a bit.

Posted by
21416 posts

Here are a couple of lists and

But do call or write as things change and they don't distinguish between open the 24th or 25th. Where I live it's the 24th that has the most closed. One of these articles implies that in Vienna, might be the 25th.