Visiting soon with a son who has celiac. For those who don't know, this means he can't eat gluten which is in wheat and some other grains like barely. So no flour, bread, breading, etc. No beer or things cooked in beer (he's a kid so drinking beer isn't a concern, but things like beer-braised meat is). Some places offer gluten free bread or pasta (Italy is great for this!), but he's always been able to find some sort of baked/roast meat dish that is suitable.
Anyway, now I'm researching Austria. There appears to be a law that menus must label allergens, so gluten containing dishes are marked with an A. Great, right? Except many restaurants seem to mark EVERYTHING as containing gluten. Roast chicken? Has gluten. Potatoes? Gluten. Salad? Gluten. COFFEE? Gluten (my kid isn't drinking coffee, but there is absolutely no reason for there to be gluten in coffee!). So do Austrians somehow put flour/bread in very simple things? Is this just a case of menu writers not understanding?
I've found some restaurants that offer gluten free dishes, and I'm sure we will be fine - I'm just confused by the labeling.
But if anyone has any general gluten free tips that would be great too. Sausages in the US are often, but not always gluten free. Is it the same there, and is there labeling, for example? Any other tips?
I will have a gluten free card in German to explain the issue to servers (unfortunately, I don't speak the language).