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Weihnachten in Österreich Alpen

We have been going to the Austrian Alps for a short pre-Christmas trip for years. The decorations, snow and Stimmung. We'll be in the Gschnitztal this year in early December (2nd Advent). Probably the only tourists other than some Langläufer. Looking forward to it. Family from Australia, Singapore and USA will join us home in Oberpfalz, Germany this year (a full house) for Christmas. looking forward to it after the Covid years. Make the most of it this year...

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One of these years I will spend Weihnachten in Deutschland. I keep trying to talk a couple of my sisters into it, and they're thinking about it, but haven't committed yet. I could travel solo like I usually do, but that is one time of year that it's nice to be among others.

Gute Reise!