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Waltzing and concerts

Hi all, Mom and I are traveling to Vienna and Salzburg for the first time in about three weeks. One of mom‘s dreams is to dance the waltz. I’ve looked online, but wondered if anyone has any recommendations where we could take a lesson?

We’re also looking to attend a concert. I’ve seen several on Viator that take place either in a palace or where the musicians are dressed up in traditional clothing. I wondered if anyone had any suggestions as to what would be the best to see? The reviews are mixed so some first-hand suggestions would be so welcome!

Edited to include –I am checking out the concert that was mentioned in a post a few days ago, I would welcome other venues suggestions as well!

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16884 posts

One of mom‘s dreams is to dance the waltz. I’ve looked online, but
wondered if anyone has any recommendations where we could take a

Youtube to the rescue; basic box-step waltz isn't difficult!

There are other lessons if you google "Youtube, waltz lessons"
The waltz is a "couples" dance, if you catch my drift, and I wouldn't dance just anywhere unless others are doing it and it's not a concert situation.

So, one-two-three, one-two-three.... :O)

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521 posts

Thanks for the replies! I should clarify, these would be two separate things! We are looking to take a waltz lesson and also to attend some type of musical concert. 😊

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5558 posts

For the lessons try Elmayer -

The concerts you mention are for tourists and are typically subpar. If you’re not an expert, I’m sure any of them will be fine. Otherwise, the venues mentioned by wmt1 are where one goes for the real deal. If you’re in Vienna on June 20, then the Vienna Philharmonic will play a free concert st Schonbrunn.

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927 posts

Just got home from Vienna and attended a Mozart concert at the Musikverein on a Friday night at 8:15. The 30 plus musicians were in costumes and it was delightful. Two accomplished soloists in costumes added to the show. The conductor has fun with the audience and encourages you on to louder applause, was a lot of fun. I was so glad we did this......but a comical note to add......they stress NO PICTURES during the concert!.......and the Asians around us were snapping away the entire concert.....selfies, videos and all. You do feel like saying, “If they can, why can’t I?” We added a wonderful memory to this night by having a delicious meal on the patio at the Hotel Imperial right around the corner before the show. I only paid about $50 per ticket and we sat in the upper right balcony as you look into the concert hall and the seats were great.

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613 posts

Never saw it live, but I saw the concert Emily noted, the Vienna Philharmonic will play a free concert st Schonbrunn, on TV and it was impressive. Fireworks at the end if I recall. The concert is behind the place, Metro stops in front of the palace Shorter walk if you take the second (furthest from center city) stop, but the other one was originally the Emperor's private metro station.

Google Vienna concerts or such and somewhere you will find a long list of them.

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521 posts

Thanks! I wish we were going to be there for the big concert, but will be there at the very end of June.

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8112 posts

Also, check to see if anything is happening at the Opera House. I saw a wonderful ballet there with an excellent orchestra. I felt like I had a fantastic concert, plus the beauty of the ballet for an overall special evening.

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332 posts

The Elmayer school looks great – it looks you can do a one-hour drop-in waltz class on Saturdays. I may have to check it out!

I'm no expert, but I do a lot of ballroom dance, and I've had this explained to me numerous times without quite understanding the differences ... but "Viennese waltz" as practiced in Vienna is very different from the "box step" that in the U.S. is called a waltz step. (There is also something called "rotary waltz," which is apparently what is danced at Viennese balls (social dance), w/"Viennese waltz" the fast style practiced by competitive ballroom dancers ... rotary and Viennese waltzing is waaaay too fast for me and I become dizzy; I prefer box step or cross-step waltz – another variation altogether!) So it might be good if your mother checks out some videos of actual Viennese waltz as danced by people at Viennese balls, which is of course the style of waltz that she will learn in Vienna.

You will love Vienna! My brother and I each spent a term at uni studying in Vienna. He actually "opened" one of the balls (since he was there winter quarter); I was fortunate to, among other wonderful experiences, see Rudolf Nureyev dance Swan Lake (at the Wiener Staatsoper) just by getting a "Stehplatz" (standing) ticket (I was young!!) for something like 20 öS ($1 at the time). Incredible!

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5558 posts

Jean, that excellent orchestra you saw was the Vienna Philharmonic.

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8112 posts

Emily, ahh, that explains why the music was so beautiful!

Kristen, I’m in NYC now and just heard the Philadelphia Philharmonic at Carnegie Hall. It’s so special to mark memories of a few special cities with music experiences. You probably hear many living in New York! I hope you enjoy Vienna - a lovely city!

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1701 posts

"One of mom‘s dreams is to dance the waltz." - Walzing is easy, even a four year old child could do it. Rumba is a much more intricate and entertaining dance style, if you and your mother dare go out on a limb, though finding a good instructor in Austria will be as hard to find as spotting a Hapsburg with a small chin. Also, as renowned dance instructor Hugo Z. Hackenbush advises, if you want to shame your fellow tenderfoot rumba dancers, make sure you pick the right rumba from one to ten.