Aloha from Hawaii,
I'm planning a Rick Steve's tour for June-July 2022. I'm going to Munich, Saltzburg, and Vienna. I'd like to give back to my hosts before I return to the USA. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Are families or individuals providing you lodging, or what is the host’s relationship to you in your volunteer situation? And is your volunteering related to the Rick Steves tour?
Reposting the same response from your same question in the Germany forum. Volunteering is not really a thing in Austria, especially for a few hours. The government frowns on it as it is seen as taking a paying job from someone. Just spend your money - that’s enough. I say this as a former professional volunteer coordinator in the US.
Mahalo (thank you) for your constructive feedback. I am from Hawaii and here in Hawaii we do have volunteer programs for visitors to give back to the community they are visiting. It's called the Mālama Program. Visitors can plant a tree seedling or volunteer at an animal shelter.
I did look at the link that was suggested but there was no listings for Germany or Austria.
Reported the last response for perusal by webmaster, hope he speaks German.
I’ll bet the posting in German gets deleted. It’s spam in any language.