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Vienna train passes

Clearly I read the book wrong or am a dumbass, but if you buy the week pass at the train station it only goes through Monday-Monday. So if you buy it on Thursday and think it will get you through until the following Tuesday, you are wrong and could possibly be arrested when you argue with the humorless guard that you really did buy a 7-day pass. So I didn't get arrested but mortified my 16 year old son and had to pay a 200 Euro fine. The kicker is - if you buy the exact same pass on the app, it truly is a 7 day pass from the day you buy it.

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5322 posts

Yes, the devil is in the details. Fail to pay attention to them, and you may get a nasty surprise. Not the fault of the poor schmuck who's job is just to enforce the rules, and ignorance is not a valid excuse. Hopefully the rest of your trip will be less traumatic.

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2144 posts

When did this happen? The 7-day calendar week pass was abandoned, effective July 1st, 2024. Since then the 7-day pass can start on any day in the week. If you buy it at a ticket vending machine it is transferable, hence a bit more expensive than the online version, which is strictly personal. (The online version was introduced about two years ago, but not advertised in any form.)

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11 posts

It happened the end of June. I really thought that I had read the machine properly and had all of the details. I think the lady who was checking tickets was really enjoying the situation.