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Vienna restaurants that offer fresh vegetables

We are booked on a RS my way alpine tour in September and will spend three nights in Vienna prior. I am anxious to try local food and wine but noticed most menus don’t offer a lot in the way of vegetables. We are not vegan but do shy away from carbs and focus more on semi healthy foods. I fully intent to eat any and all specialties, especially the cakes, torts etc but would like to supplement with some healthier food. Can anyone recommend a restaurant they enjoyed that offered more fresh vegetables along with their Austrian specialties?

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4148 posts

Many restaurants have nice, inexpensive sides of seasonable vegetables so we often order a side. We usually order a small salad as a first course. I must admit, when I get home from some vacations, I head straight to my favorite market and fill my cart unrealistically with fresh vegetables I crave. I like your attitude though it try local specialties. All the extra walking may help with small changes in your diet for a few weeks and you can reset when you get home.

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2343 posts

This is Vienna's most comprehensive restaurant guide.

Although in German it is easily understandable. You can select features like "Empfohlen" (recommended), or location, i.e. "Bezirk" (city borough), or the type of cuisine. In your case I would select "Bowl" which reflects an eating style beyond classic Viennese cuisine, having become popular during the last few years. Just selecting "Vegetarisch" (vegetarian) would serve you well, too.

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1977 posts

Vienna has all kinds of restaurants and cuisines.

Standard Germanic focused menus always have salad. These salads are really good, with the shredded veg and krauter dressing. Often there is a "Fitness Salad" on menus. It's a large version of the standard salad with chunks of grilled chicken. Really good after days of heavy Germanic foods.

After many trips, my wife and I joke that in Germanic countries, you get your fiber where you can in concentrated doses. Veg and fiber isn't sprinkled through all the food, but in some specific things. I'll opt for yogurt with Muesli and fruit at the breakfast bar instead of a croissant, ham and cheese. Then when lunch is curry wurst and fries I don't feel like I'm stacking paste on paste in my gut. The dense little bricks of super-fiber sour rye bread are really good, and produce is too - we make a point of buying fresh fruits and veg to snack on.

But yeah, you need to be a bit proactive or you can eat one all-white plate of carbs and fat after another.

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4962 posts

Rick is a big advocate of picnic lunches bought at supermarkets and consumed in the plein air, you could veg out like crazy

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4113 posts

Pho Linh. Great little Vietnamese restaurant tucked away in an atmospheric courtyard a street or two over from Schwedenplatz. Lots of veggies.