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Vienna for Art, Architecture, Music, and More


Vienna looks wonderful and worthy of a week or more, but a full 6 nights is (luckily) what I have.
I am in the early stages of planning the trip, with a long list of places to visit.
Art museums, architecture, classical concerts, and wandering will be my focus. Walking is my preferred mode of touring, as I take photos as I go.

Some questions, please.
I don't have the timing set yet but am considering October - November or spring. Should I avoid Oktoberfest - does it get crowded? Any great times to go (not hot summertime)?
The pastries and food look so delicious but I can't eat (lactose) milk or cheese, will I have to pass on the classic dishes?
Any suggested hotels in the under 200e range?

Budapest is likely to be my next stop for a week before heading home.

Thanks very much for any suggestions or thoughts on this trip!


Posted by
3114 posts

DO NOT MISS: then click on the + sign to the right of At a Glance:
Hofburg Imperial Apartments
Hofburg Treasury
Vienna State Opera - going in Oct means you’ll see a world-class performance. Don’t go elsewhere where performers wear wigs and period costumes. You want to experience the best.
St. Stephens Cathedral
Kunsthistorisches Museum
Schönbrunn Palace

Posted by
19373 posts

I don't have the timing set yet but am considering October - November
or spring.

  • September (mid) to ealy October I think is the most enjoyable time for Central Europe. Cool, but outdoor cafes still open and less crowded and less expensive.
  • Mid to Late November for the Christmas Markets, but before the coldest part of the year.
  • March is very pretty, cool with bright blue skies, but many of the outdoor cafes dont open until April.

Should I avoid Oktoberfest - does it get crowded? Any great times to
go (not hot summertime)?

  • A lot of cities, especially those with German heritage do their own version of Oktoberfest. But I dont think it will be a problem in either of the cities you are going.

Budapest is likely to be my next stop for a week before heading home.
Art museums, architecture, classical concerts, and wandering will be
my focus. Walking is my preferred mode of touring, as I take photos as
I go.

Concerts, Music, Theater (you have to buy tickets way, way, way early)


The pastries and food look so delicious but I can't eat (lactose) milk
or cheese, will I have to pass on the classic dishes?

  • Nope, plenty of amazing eats, even lactose free ....
Posted by
4536 posts

Augustiner Church on Sunday-the music is sublime

Posted by
551 posts

To MaryPat's list I will add the Albertina and Belvedere. Also, do Rick's three audio tours.

Posted by
94 posts

Your suggestions make me want to be there NOW!
Thanks so much. I've added it all to my wish list.

Perhaps the best news is that the Opera is performing then and that there are lactose-free options. It is a bummer to miss the must-try-dishes because of it.

Rick lists three hotels I am looking at - any experiences with any of them? Or others you'd suggest?
Aviano Pension
Hotel Vienna Staatsoper
Hotel Gilbert

I appreciate your kind help!

Posted by
2128 posts

All three hotels listed are very close to the center and rather expensive. These suggestions are abetting the mistaken attitude of a lot of American tourists, that not having a car at hand means doing everything by walking. Public transport is available everywhere, it is easy to use, and safe even in the night. The location of the hotel should not be your prime concern. Vienna is not that small, and not all sights are close together. But trying to visit everything by walking means wasting a lot of precious time.

Posted by
19373 posts

veryspecialquilts, you mentioned Opera. I suspect that Vienna is a lot like Budapest and you should purchase your tickets as soon as you possibly can .... tomorrow even.

Posted by
94 posts

Well, I better get moving with so many wonderful things to see and tickets to get!

To fly from the US to Vienna round trip seems far more economical than flying to Vienna and then back home via Budapest.
Any thoughts on going either route?

Thanks again!

Posted by
19373 posts

Check it both ways on Google Flights. You might be surprised and find open jaw tickets don't cost much, if any, more.

Posted by
3114 posts

do Rick's three audio tours.

Definitely, you won't miss a thing if you do.

Posted by
94 posts

Update on my planning:
Got flights...into Vienna and out of Budapest.
Have my wish list of what to see in Vienna mapped out. I'm working on the detailed timing now.
Have the Opera tickets! Have tickets for the Rembrandt exhibit at the Kuntshistoriches Museum!
Considering seeing the beauty of the Wachau valley and a winery day trip.
Also considering the Schiele Museum in Tulln.

Nothing for Budapest yet, although the site Mr. E suggested got me started on my wish list.
Will start RS book tonight :)

Thanks to all who kindly replied. Your info is very helpful!