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Updated Mask and entry requirements

For those in Austria or soon to be, please note that N95/FFP2 masks are now required on all public transportation, in supermarkets, banks, pharmacies and other essential places. Until today, any type of nose/mouth protection was allowed in these spaces. Spot fines will be issued for non-compliance. This rule is regardless of vaccination status. FFP2 masks can be purchased at all pharmacies (Apotheke), supermarkets and the BIPA, DM and Muller shops.

In addition, there are new restrictions for travelers from the US. Distinctions are made between vaccinated and unvaccinated.

Read more here -

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1671 posts

FFP2 masks are widely available at most stores. BPIA sells a kind that is made in Austria.

I find that N95s and FFP2s are more comfy than cloth masks, which don't really offer much protection at all.

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905 posts

Thank you, Emily. Bringing along plenty. We leave tomorrow and will be in Austria at the end of the month.