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4727 posts

Thanks Emily. I bookmarked your post so I can look at other articles on this site before our trip in Sept.

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3961 posts

Emily, what a fun article! I love quirky. It's what makes each travel destination so unique. We are getting so excited to visit your beloved Vienna in September. I especially liked the idea of sharing a table for a chance encounter. We did this 25 years ago in Rarotonga. We met a delightful couple from New Zealand. We became friends and have visited each other multiple times.

I plan to forward this article to friends who will be in Vienna soon.

Thanks for sharing. Bookmarked!

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672 posts

Funny article! One thing missing was the Viennese obsession with death. I read a book about that many years ago. Also, besides the Viennese yelling at a person for crossing against a red light, I was once yelled at by a man on a Strassenbahn for sitting with my right leg crossed over my left knee (a form of manspreading). Never did that again.