Will be in the area late May. Two days in Munich (I know, wrong forum), two in Salzburg.
My wife and I are looking for nature (I am a photographer), mild weather, and some peace/quiet. Other things:
- Beautiful landscapes
- Hiking
- Wildlife
- Wild Flowers
- Waterfalls
- Castles
- Scenic Railroads
We fly info Munich early Saturday, May 25th, and plan on taking a train to Salzburg morning of Monday, May 27th.
A few questions
If I only had one destination for beer in Salzburg, where would you recommend?
Given our interests above, what area should we stay in Salzburg? We like quaint/cozy/non-commercial. Any other tips on what to see/do?
I read that the scenic railroad through Garmisch to Innsbruck is beautiful. Is it worth taking that route from Munich, then to Salzburg? I realize this may take up a whole day, but if it is scenic we are fine with that.
If we should go direct to Salzburg via train from Munich, what do you recommend for a scenic route?
We are considering spending two days in the Garmisch (I know, wrong forum) area AFTER Salzburg. Is the landscape/scenary drastically different than what we will see in Salzburg?
Another option is to train down into the Dolomites from Salzburg. Is that trip painful as far as travel time from Salzburg? Worth trying in late May?
Thanks ahead of time!