What is the fastest, most economical way to get from Salzburg to Bologna in September?
I'm not sure whether it is the fastest and/or the cheapest, but the most beautiful and relaxed way is the Eurocity train from Munich to Bologna. From Salzburg you can pick it up at Innsbruck. In total a journey of 7h30 for € 39 (for a random date in September). Check at the website of the OEBB.
The fastest/cheapest option looks to be a train leaving Salzburg at 06:56 with one change in Innsbruck, arriving in Bologna Centrale at 14:07. The Sparschiene price is 39 Euros. There are other trains listed for cheaper prices, but most of them don't include the final Italian train ticket. There's also an overnight train direct to Bologna that leaves at 22:02, but that raises the price to 99 Euros (with a couchette). It could be worth it if it would save you money compared to a hotel/apartment for the final night in Salzburg. And it definitely saves time in travel.
Thank you. What is Sparschiene? Where would I go to look up different times for the trains?
I am looking for a train from the Salzburg train station to the Bologna train station. I am finding the schedules pretty confusing. Help with a user-friendly website would be appreciated. Thank you.
What is Sparschiene?
Sparschiene (rail saver) is the brand name for the lowest price bargain tickets of OeBB (Austrian Railway). It is like airline tickets, i.e. bound to certain train, limited number per train, higher price when bought late.
The fastest/cheapest option looks to be a train leaving Salzburg at 06:56 with one change in Innsbruck, arriving in Bologna Centrale at 14:07.
That is the best connection.
You can search for it in the timetables here: http://fahrplan.oebb.at/bin/query.exe/en
Thank you so much. We booked our tickets. This was so helpful!!! We are very appreciative. Your recommendation was right on and I know I would have paid much more on my own.