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train vs bus travel between Vienna and Prague?

We are a party of 4 needing to travel from Vienna to Prague. The train seems to take almost 5 hours at a cost of around 50 Euros. West Bus lines claims a 4 hour trip at a cost of 22 Euros. The Student Agency bus lines is quoting 5 hours also at half the price of the train. What are your experiences taking the bus versus the train for this trip? And does anyone have experience with the West Bus? Could the bus really make it in almost an hour less time (I guess it also depends on traffic)?

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5567 posts

The train from Vienna to Prague should cost 29 Euros if purchased in advance from the OeBB website (national rail carrier for Austria) at

Yes, the bus is slightly faster as the rail lines do not support higher speeds. Both buses offer wifi for a portion of the journey; Student Agency busses depart from Praterstern and Westbus from Erdberg, very different areas of the city. Westbus takes a more direct route and Student Agency goes through Brno. Student Agency buses are marginally more scenic and comfortable.

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19352 posts

Between 8:00 and 18:00, the Bahn website shows 5 direct and 5 one-change train connections between Vienna and Prague, roughly one per hour. There are 3 bus connection during that time (one every 5 hours). Although the bus takes less time once it leaves, you might spend longer waiting for the next bus.

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16895 posts

These are comfortable buses, but the train gives you more room to walk around and stretch your legs. Advance-purchase discounts go on sale up to three months ahead for specific dates and times.

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2 posts

Thank you for your help. Looking up the trains on the Austrian rail line is a bit confusing -- when I try to purchase a "sparschiene" ticket, most of the trains are listed as "unavailable". Does that mean that this discounted ticket is not available anymore on these trains (we are traveling on a Wednesday morning later in June, could they be booked already)? When I look up a "regular" ticket, the price now seems to be around 65Euros! Then I tried the Czech rail lines, and they have tickets for 54Euros. Do the ticket prices change from day to day like airline tickets?

Also, is it advisable to purchase a seat reservation as well?

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5567 posts

Are you traveling on the 18 or 25? If the 18, I see a direct train leaving at 9:31 for 39 Euro. On the 25, I see direct service for 49 Euro. Basically, you have left things a bit late, I'm afraid and all the lower fares have sold out. There are only so many tickets available at the lower fares. The 18 is the start of a four day weekend and the 25 is essentially just about the start of summer holidays, so all the good fares are gone. The ticket window price bought at the station is flat and doesn't increase; trains also never sell out. Seat reservations? If you all want to sit together, then they are a wise move and only a few Euro. Otherwise just board the train as quickly as possible to claim the best seats.