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Train line construction

I'm seeing the message below on the OBB website (Austrian train). I very much wanted to take the train route from Riomaggiore (Cinque Terre) up through Brenner Pass and then over to Salzburg. Can anyone tell me if the time showing on this website will be the correct time or is the time subject to change causing us to miss a connection? This is the 9:03 departure from Riomaggiore on June 8th.

EC 86 Construction work - Train will be running at different times (-)
Due to construction work the timetable of this train has been changed. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

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21692 posts

I am not seeing it on At OEBB, l see that note only on the EC 86, but not on the earlier EC 84. So leave Riomaggiore at 7:25 to catch that one.

Posted by
5 posts

Thank you! I'm looking at that departure but then saw this:

Construction work - Train cannot operate/Train will be running at different times: Salzburg Hbf/Rosenheim <=> München Hbf

Due to construction work, some long distance trains cannot operate between Salzburg Hbf resp. Rosenheim and München Hbf from 16/05/2018 through 06/08/2018. Some trains will be running at different times.

I don't know what the "resp" means here and wondering if this will affect travel to/from Rosenheim to Salzburg.

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8889 posts

rcmcspadd, it's a translation problem. "respektive" is one of those German words that gets regularly mis-translated, as it doesn't have a direct English translation, it depends on context. What they are trying to say is:
"some long distance trains cannot run between either Salzburg or Rosenheim and München Hbf between the dates 16/05/2018 and 06/08/2018"
The times listed on the ÖBB website will be the correct amended times for those dates that it applies to.

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19348 posts

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think EC 86 runs from Italy over Brenner Pass to Innsbruck and then on to Munich via Rosenheim. Rosenheim is the place that EC 86 enters the Salzburg to Munich corridor.

It sounds like the only interruption to EC 86 is between Rosenheim and Munich. As long as the EC gets you to Rosenheim, you should not have a problem getting to Munich (Ops, edit, I meant Salzburg). There are a lot of trains, long distance and regional, on that section. Even if they are working on the tracks and no trains can get through, the Bahn will provide SEVs (substitute buses).

Posted by
2499 posts

So you want to go to Salzburg, not to Munich. Therefore you can neglect any information on delays on the Rosenheim - Munich leg. As for the connection from Riomaggiore to Salzburg, suggests to transfer from EC 86 to RJ 663 in Innsbruck. Usually RJ 663 goes through the Bavarian corridor (Innsbruck - Rosenheim - Salzburg), but when it's closed it will take the alternative route inside Tyrol via Wörgl and Bischofshofen, which will take 45min longer.

BTW, informations on train delays on the (somewhat idiosyncratic) ÖBB website are sometimes more confusing than helpful. It's German version states for your travel day that the schedule of EC 86 deviates from the usual one due to construction work in Germany. But then it displays the actual schedule for your trip. So that info is quite superfluos (and therefore not shown on the DB website).