Booked train ticket from munich airport to vienna, connection times are tight ( 10 minutes) at munich east and salzburg . How can I get the platform information prior to departing airport .
Depends on what trains you booked, S/Meridian/Westbahn, or S/EC/Railjet.
Looks like at Munich Ost the S-bahn arrives at track 1 and the trains to Salzburg on track 8.
The Deutsche Bahn site will give you the track Nos for the S/EC/Railjet trains.
At Salzburg, the Westbahn train will be waiting on Track 5, sections A&B. The arrival track for the Meridian train from Munich is not listed.
If you can, leave on an earlier S-bahn to Munich Ost. you are allowed to do that. Then you will have plenty of time to check the board and get to the right track for the Salzburg train.
If she's connecting in Munich East (Ost) is she is not taking a RailJet, which doesn't stop at Ostbahnhof.
The S8 from the airport arrives at Ost every 20 minutes, and the Merian regional train stops every hour. There is a nine minute connection for one of the S-Bahn, but 29 minutes if you take the earlier one. It's a similar situation for the EC. If you don't have reserved seats on the EC or a Savings Fare ticket, just take the next S8 leaving the airport and get to Ost, then take the next train per you ticket to Salzburg.
The S8 arrives at Ost on track 1. The train to Salzburg (EC or Meridian) always leaves on track 8, so you will have to use the connecting tunnel, but if you don't dally, 9 minutes is makeable. Get off the S-Bahn when it stops, go down the tunnel, locate the '8' sign and go there.